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[英]Unable to connect android to WCF Service

I was trying to connect the android application to the WCF service but it's not working. 我试图将android应用程序连接到WCF服务,但无法正常工作。 WCF is hosted on the IIS server. WCF托管在IIS服务器上。 I don't know which one is wrong android application or WCF Service itself. 我不知道哪个是错误的android应用程序或WCF服务本身。 WCF service is working fine when tested. 经过测试,WCF服务运行正常。 Here is my WCF service code. 这是我的WCF服务代码。

 [ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://services.example.com")]
public interface IEmployeeInfo
        BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped,
        ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json,
        UriTemplate = "GetEmployee/?key={employeeId}" )]
    Employee GetEmployee(int employeeId);

Here is my android code in which I am accessing the WCF service 这是我在其中访问WCF服务的android代码

try {

        DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
        // http get request

        HttpGet request = new HttpGet(EMPLOYEE_SERVICE_URI + evEmployeeId.getText());
        Log.d("Connect","Connecting to Server 0");
        Log.d("Connect","Connecting to Server 1");
        // set the hedear to get the data in JSON formate
        request.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
        request.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");

        //get the response
        HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);

        HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();

        //if entity contect lenght 0, means no employee exist in the system with these code
        if(entity.getContentLength() != 0) {
            // stream reader object
            Reader employeeReader = new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent());
            //create a buffer to fill if from reader
            char[] buffer = new char[(int) response.getEntity().getContentLength()];
            //fill the buffer by the help of reader
            //close the reader streams
            Log.d("Connect","Connecting to Server 2");
            //for the employee json object
            JSONObject employee =  new JSONObject(new String(buffer));

            //set the text of text view
            tvEmployeeCode.setText("Code: " + employee.getString("EmployeeId"));
            tvName.setText("Name: " + employee.getString("FirstName") + " " + employee.getString("LastName"));
            tvAddress.setText("Address: " + employee.getString("Address"));
            tvBloodGroup.setText("Blood Group: " + employee.getString("BloodGroup"));

        else {



    catch (Exception e) {


Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。

When I request the WCF service from android emulator applcation crashes. 当我从android模拟器请求WCF服务时应用崩溃。 here the logchat. 在这里的logchat。

11-17 22:56:55.566: W/dalvikvm(1174): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40a13300)
11-17 22:56:55.616: E/AndroidRuntime(1174): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
11-17 22:56:55.616: E/AndroidRuntime(1174): java.lang.NullPointerException: println needs a message
11-17 22:56:55.616: E/AndroidRuntime(1174):     at android.util.Log.println_native(Native Method)
11-17 22:56:55.616: E/AndroidRuntime(1174):     at android.util.Log.d(Log.java:138)
11-17 22:56:55.616: E/AndroidRuntime(1174):     at com.yyousuf.sample.EmployeeInfoActivity.onClick

There's an exception being thrown, but because you are catching all Exceptions, you don't have the details. 引发了一个异常,但是由于您正在捕获所有异常,因此您没有详细信息。 For some reason the throwed Exception doesn't have a message set, and that's why you are getting the NullPointerException on this line 由于某种原因,抛出的Exception没有设置消息,这就是为什么在此行上获取NullPointerException的原因


Please post more information about the real throwed exception. 请发布有关实际引发的异常的更多信息。

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