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如何从rabbitmq消息中获取pika python中的basicproperties头字段?

[英]how to get basicproperties header field in pika python from rabbitmq messages?

def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
        prop = properties
        print prop
        #print prop[1]
        #print prop[“headers”]
        #print prop.headers()
        print body

This is the list from prop: 这是道具的清单:

<BasicProperties(['delivery_mode=2', "headers={'BIProto.ClickEvent': 'BIProto.ClickEvent'}", 'content_type=application/x-protobuf'])>

I'm able to print body and the list of basic properties. 我能够打印正文和基本属性列表。 But how can I just get headers? 但是我怎样才能得到标题?

All the #print statements in the function error-ed. 函数中的所有#print语句都出错了。


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