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将 +1 添加到只读文本输入字段的 jQuery 值

[英]Adding +1 to jQuery value of a readonly text input field

I am using a function where I have a readonly text input , and when I execute the function I want the number value + 1. So let's say I have 60, when I execute the function, the number returned should be 61.我正在使用一个函数,其中我有一个readonly文本input ,当我执行该函数时,我想要数字值 + 1。假设我有 60,当我执行该函数时,返回的数字应该是 61。

But instead it's coming out 601, which is just adding the number 1 to the string.但是它出来的是 601,它只是将数字 1 添加到字符串中。 Any clue as to what is going on?关于发生了什么的任何线索? Subtraction, multiplication and division all work fine.减法、乘法和除法都可以正常工作。 Here is a snippet这是一个片段

 var num= $("#originalnum").val() + 1;

And yes i've tried a few different variations, am I missing something?是的,我尝试了一些不同的变体,我错过了什么吗?

A simple unary + is sufficient to turn a string into a number in this case:在这种情况下,简单的一元+足以将字符串转换为数字:

var num = +$("#originalnum").val() + 1;

The problem is that .val() returns the value of the element as a string, and when you use the + operator on a string it does string concatenation.问题是.val()将元素的值作为字符串返回,当您在字符串上使用+运算符时,它会进行字符串连接。 You need to convert the value to a number first:您需要先将值转换为数字:

var num = +$("#originalnum").val() + 1;            // unary plus operator
// OR
var num = Number($("#originalnum").val()) + 1;     // Number()
// OR
var num= parseFloat($("#originalnum").val()) + 1;  // parseFloat()
// OR
var num= parseInt($("#originalnum").val(),10) + 1; // parseInt()

Note that if you use parseInt() you must include the radix (10) as the second parameter or it will (depending on the browser) treat strings with a leading zero as octal and strings with a leading "0x" as hexadecimal.请注意,如果您使用parseInt() ,则必须包含基数 (10) 作为第二个参数,否则它将(取决于浏览器)将带前导零的字符串视为八进制,将带前导"0x"字符串视为十六进制。 Note also that parseInt() ignores any non-numeric characters at the end of the string, including a full-stop that the user might have intended as a decimal point, so parseInt("123.45aasdf",10) returns 123 .另请注意, parseInt()忽略字符串末尾的任何非数字字符,包括用户可能希望作为小数点的句号,因此parseInt("123.45aasdf",10)返回123 Similarly parseFloat() ignores non-numeric characters at the end of the string.同样parseFloat()忽略字符串末尾的非数字字符。

Also if it's a user-entered value you should double-check that it actually is a number and perhaps provide an error message if it isn't.此外,如果它是用户输入的值,您应该仔细检查它是否确实是一个数字,如果不是,可能会提供一条错误消息。

When you use the * , / or - operators JS tries to convert the string to a number automatically, so that's why those operators "work" (assuming the string can be converted).当您使用*/-运算符时,JS 会尝试自动将字符串转换为数字,这就是这些运算符“有效”的原因(假设字符串可以转换)。

You should use the parseInt function and make sure the value is number(use isNaN function):您应该使用parseInt函数并确保值是数字(使用 isNaN 函数):

var val = $("#originalnum").val();

var num = 0;

if ( !isNaN(val) )
  num= parseInt(val) + 1;

Use parseInt() :使用parseInt()

var num= parseInt($("#originalnum").val(),10) + 1;

So your number is treated as an integer instead of a string (as .val() treats the result as string by default)因此,您的数字被视为整数而不是字符串(因为.val()默认将结果视为字符串)

If you don't like the above code spelling, you can try it this way too.如果你不喜欢上面的代码拼写,你也可以这样试试。

$("#originalnum").val(function() {
   $(this).val(parseInt($(this).val()) + 1)

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