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[英]HTML and CSS making a image link with a hover over effect?

I cut out a bunch of my code to get down to what I need help with, I have a image that when I hover over it it changes images, but how cna I add on that when I click on that image it brings you to lets say mywebsite.com ?? 我剪出一堆代码以寻求所需的帮助,我有一个图像,当我将鼠标悬停在其上时,它会更改图像,但是当我单击该图像时,如何添加cna会带您进入说mywebsite.com? http://pastebin.com/h83yi3e3 http://pastebin.com/h83yi3e3

Code: 码:

       #buttonOne {width:140px;height:60px;background-image:url(buttonOne.png);}
       #buttonOne:hover {width:140px;height:60px;background-image:url(buttonOneH.png);}
       #buttonTwo {width:140px;height:60px;background-image:url(buttonTwo.png);}
       #buttonTwo:hover {width:140px;height:60px;background-image:url(buttonTwoH.png);}
       #buttonThree {width:140px;height:60px;background-image:url(buttonThree.png);}
       #buttonThree:hover {width:140px;height:60px;background-image:url(buttonThreeH.png);}
      <div id="buttonOne">

      <div id="buttonTwo">

      <div id="buttonThree">

Make those div s into a tags instead. 使那些div s转换a标签来代替。 That's kind of what they are for. 这就是他们的目的。 If you want an element that you can click to go to another url, you want an <a> tag. 如果需要一个可以单击以转到另一个URL的元素,则需要一个<a>标记。

<a id="buttonOne" href="http://letssaymywebsite.com/"></a>
<a id="buttonTwo" href="http://letssaymywebsite.com/"></a>
<a id="buttonThree" href="http://letssaymywebsite.com/"></a>

Using anchor tags you can do like this- 使用定位标记,您可以这样做-

<a id="buttonOne" href="mywebsite.com"></a>

and then you can use a:hover to change the images 然后您可以使用a:hover更改图像

In css- 在css中

#buttonOne a:hover

Well i'm not sure what you guys were talkign abotu removign the divs, didn't work for me, What I did is inside those empty divs I had I added in a link-image that was invisible. 好吧,我不确定你们在说什么abotu移除了div,对我没有用,我所做的是在那些我添加了一个不可见链接图像的空div内。

<div id="buttonOne">
<a href="mywebsite.com" target="_blank"><img src="inbut.png">

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