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[英]Class not found com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

I got this error 我得到这个错误

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

but I have this class in my pom.xml and its in my maven dependencies folder. 但是我的pom.xml有这个类,而我的maven dependencies文件夹中有这个类。 Each time I added some lib to pom.xml everything was ok till now I even try to do maven -> update project but it didn't help 每次我向pom.xml添加一些lib到现在为止一切正常,我什至尝试执行maven->更新项目,但这无济于事

Im using Eclipse Juno 我正在使用Eclipse Juno

Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/test", "root", "*****");     
return c;

Edit pom.xml 编辑pom.xml


There is a more straitforward way to get a connection: 有一种更严格的方法来建立连接:

Connection c = new com.mysql.jdbc.Driver().connect("jdbc:mysql://localhost/test?user=root&password=root", null); 连接c =新的com.mysql.jdbc.Driver()。connect(“ jdbc:mysql:// localhost / test?user = root&password = root”,null);

There will be no puzzles like ClassNotFoundException 不会有像ClassNotFoundException这样的难题

How do you start the server? 您如何启动服务器? How do you do deployment? 您如何部署? From inside eclipse? 从月食内部? Check the deployed folder if the jar is there. 检查jar所在的部署文件夹。 If you're using eclipse it will be in: 如果您使用的是eclipse,它将位于:

${workspace}\\.metadata\\.plugins\\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\\tmp0\\wtpwebapps\\ROOT\\WEB-INF\\lib (if using windows) ${workspace}\\.metadata\\.plugins\\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\\tmp0\\wtpwebapps\\ROOT\\WEB-INF\\lib (如果使用Windows)

Your maven config and code look fine, I would say it's a deployment problem. 您的Maven配置和代码看起来不错,我想这是一个部署问题。

您需要将mysql连接器jar添加到项目类路径中作为外部jar ..然后它将正常工作:D

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