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为什么在 iOS Safari Mobile (iPhone / iPad) 中没有触发模糊事件?

[英]Why is blur event not fired in iOS Safari Mobile (iPhone / iPad)?

I've two event handlers bound to an anchor tag: one for focus and blur.我有两个绑定到锚标记的事件处理程序:一个用于焦点和模糊。

The handlers fire on desktop, but in iphone and ipad only focus is fired correctly.处理程序在桌面上触发,但在 iphone 和 ipad 中只有焦点被正确触发。 Blur is not fired if I click outside the anchor tag (blur fires only when I click some other form elements in the page):如果我在锚标记外单击,则不会触发模糊(仅当我单击页面中的其他一些表单元素时才会触发模糊):

        console.log("focus fired");

        console.log("blur fired");


    <a href="#">test link</a>
    <input type="text" title="" size="38" value="" id="lname1" name="" class="text">
    <div style="padding:100px">
        <p>test content</p>

If an anchor has any events attached, the first tap on it in iOS causes the anchor to be put into the hover state, and focused.如果锚点附加了任何事件,则在 iOS 中第一次点击它会导致锚点进入悬停状态并聚焦。 A tap away removes the hover state, but the link remains focused.轻按可移除悬停状态,但链接仍保持聚焦。 This is by design.这是设计使然。 To properly control an application on iOS, you need to implement touch-based events and react to those instead of desktop ones.要正确控制 iOS 上的应用程序,您需要实现基于触摸的事件并对这些事件而不是桌面事件做出反应。

There is a complete guide to using Javascript events in WebKit on iOS .一个在 iOS 上的 WebKit 中使用 Javascript 事件的完整指南

It's a hack, but you can get .blur to fire by registering a click handler on every DOM element.这是一个 hack,但是您可以通过在每个 DOM 元素上注册一个点击处理程序来触发 .blur。 This removes focus from the previously focused element.这会从先前聚焦的元素中移除焦点。

$('html').css('-webkit-tap-highlight-color', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)');

The second line removes the highlight when elements are clicked.第二行在单击元素时删除突出显示。

I know this is sub-optimal, but it may get you going.我知道这是次优的,但它可能会让你前进。

If you're working with touch devices you can use the touchleave or touchend event to handle when the user clicks outside the area.如果您使用的是触摸设备,您可以使用touchleavetouchend事件来处理用户在区域外单击的情况。

$("a").on('touchleave touchcancel', function () {
      // do something

For this to work you need to update your focus function to listen for an on click event as follows为此,您需要更新您的焦点功能以侦听点击事件,如下所示

$("a").on("click", function (e) {
      if(e.handled !== true) {
            e.handled = true
      } else {
            return false
      // do something

I have check all the doc in the @NicholasShanks answer, but a little frustrated testing all the events.我已经检查了@NicholasShanks 答案中的所有文档,但是测试所有事件时有点沮丧。

Android and iOS:安卓和iOS:

  • Tested on Android Samsung S9Android三星 S9 上测试
  • Tested on iOS iPad 5ºgeniOS iPad 5ºgen 上测试

Finally i have got a solution: Seems iPad listen to mouseout as blur, and seems android listen perfectly to the blur event, i just add a ternary on this case to attach the right event (previously i have aimed to a mobile or tablet device instead of a computer.最后我得到了一个解决方案:似乎 iPad 将 mouseout 监听为模糊,而 android 似乎完美地监听了模糊事件,我只是在这种情况下添加了一个三元组来附加正确的事件(以前我的目标是移动或平板设备)一台电脑。

// element >> element you want to trigger
// os >> function that return operative system 'ios' or 'android' in my case

element.addEventListener(os === 'ios' ? 'mouseout' : 'blur', () => {
  // Do something

in the out-most div 在最外面的div

<div onclick='click()'>

then in javascript 然后在JavaScript中

function click(){}

The blur event does not fire because when you click outside the anchor tag on a non-clickable element, iOS ignores the click (and the click event does not fire). blur事件不会触发,因为当您在不可点击元素上的锚标记外单击时,iOS 会忽略该单击(并且不会触发click事件)。

There are a couple of threads regarding this (eg .click event not firing in Chrome on iOS ).有几个与此相关的线程(例如.click 事件未在 iOS 上的 Chrome 中触发)。 You can fix it by adding cursor: pointer to the <body> or some other element that the click will be performed on.您可以通过添加cursor: pointer <body>或将执行单击的其他元素的cursor: pointer来修复它。

The simplest solution I've found is to just make document.body "clickable" at page initialization time:我发现的最简单的解决方案是在页面初始化时让 document.body 成为“可点击的”:

document.body.onclick = function() {};

Then a click anywhere will blur the active element, just like on a desktop browser.然后在任何地方单击都会模糊活动元素,就像在桌面浏览器上一样。 Tested on iOS 15.3.1.在 iOS 15.3.1 上测试。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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