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[英]Custom html5 audio player

I found out that there is a new HTML5 tag. 我发现有一个新的HTML5标签。 I want a HTML/Javascript code but I dont want any jQuery in it. 我想要HTML / Javascript代码,但我不想要任何jQuery。 Its for a html doc which will have music playing automaticaly in the background, i would like the code to make a little mute button in the topleft corner of the screen. 对于html文档,它将在后台自动播放音乐,我希望代码在屏幕的左上角做一个小的静音按钮。 Heres the standard code to work on. 这是要处理的标准代码。

<audio controls="?"* loop="loop">
  <source src="horse.wav" type="audio/wave">

*: Not sure if to be included *:不确定是否要包含在内

The button may be text or picture and it may change (eg: mute/unmute or mute then when clicked changes to unmute and back). 该按钮可以是文本或图片,并且可以更改(例如:静音/取消静音或静音,然后单击时更改为取消静音和返回)。

This should work : 应该工作

document.getElementById('background_audio').muted = true;

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/mattball/sVwXH/ (no jQuery) 演示: http : //jsfiddle.net/mattball/sVwXH/ (无jQuery)

Reference 参考

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