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jQuery getJSON PHP数组转换为JavaScript

[英]Jquery getJSON php array to javascript

I am testing the getJSON with php array, but it is not working, can anyone check for me ? 我正在用php数组测试getJSON,但是它不起作用,有人可以帮我检查一下吗? I feel the problem is from the php code because when i test the html code with getJSON url https://graph.facebook.com/zombies , it is working. 我觉得问题出在php代码,因为当我使用getJSON url https://graph.facebook.com/zombies测试html代码时,它正在工作。

In my array.php 在我的array.php中


 header("Content-type: text/javascript");

 $arr = array(

            "name" => "Tim",
            "age" => "28"     );

echo json_encode($arr);


In my test.html : 在我的test.html中:

    <script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.js'></script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>

    $(document).ready(function() {
         $.getJSON('array.php', function(data) {        
            if(data) {
            else {


Change 更改

header("Content-type: text/javascript");


header('Content-Type: application/json');


header('Content-Type: application/javascript');

header("Content-type: text/javascript");

You're telling the browser you're sending it JavaScript, when what you're sending it is JSON. 您告诉浏览器要发送的是JavaScript,而发送的是JSON。 The content type for JSON is application/json . JSON的内容类型为application/json

If you fix that, it should work, provided you're not running afoul of the Same Origin Policy . 如果您对此进行了修复,只要您不违反Same Origin Policy ,它就可以正常工作。 If you're making a cross-domain request, your options are: 如果您要进行跨域请求,则可以选择:

  • Don't use ajax and JSON, use JSON-P . 不要使用ajax和JSON,请使用JSON-P

  • Use CORS , but it requires that the server allow your document's origin, and that the browser supports it (most modern ones do, older ones don't). 使用CORS ,但是它要求服务器允许您文档的原始来源,并且浏览器支持它(大多数现代浏览器都支持,较旧的浏览器不支持)。

  • Use YQL as a cross-domain proxy . 使用YQL作为跨域代理

Try to set the content type to 尝试将内容类型设置为


So jQuery will interpte as json data 因此,jQuery将作为json数据插入

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