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[英]why the same color looks different on different android devices

I find lots of colors look different on different android devices. 我发现很多颜色在不同的Android设备上看起来不同。 For example, if I set #fff8f5ea as the background color of a View and run the app on different devices, I can easily tell the difference between them. 例如,如果我将#fff8f5ea设置为View的背景颜色并在不同的设备上运行应用程序,我可以很容易地区分它们。 Any body have the same problem? 任何身体都有同样的问题? Does anyone know why? 有谁知道为什么?

Every piece of hardware will render the primary colours used in the individual pixels at different intensities. 每个硬件都将以不同的强度渲染各个像素中使用的原色。

The display driver also implements colour profiles, sometimes user definable, which alter those intensities. 显示驱动程序还实现颜色配置文件,有时是用户可定义的,这会改变这些强度。

I can load an image on my Galaxy S3 and chose a different profile under Settings->Display->Screen mode to render the image in different colour spaces. 我可以在Galaxy S3上加载图像,并在“设置” - >“显示” - >“屏幕”模式下选择不同的配置文件,以在不同的颜色空间中渲染图像。

Most likely, the devices use a different screen type. 最有可能的是,这些设备使用不同的屏幕类型。

Colors vary between LCDs, LEDs and other screen types because of the way the screen is built. 由于屏幕的构建方式,LCD,LED和其他屏幕类型之间的颜色不同。

For example, some screens will turn pixels of completely to display black, while some will show a shade of grey. 例如,某些屏幕将完全转换为显示黑色的像素,而有些屏幕将显示灰色阴影。

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