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[英]Cannot retrieve data from XML using xpath() function in PHP

I want to parse this xml file and use XPATH retrieve some fields ( this is how I see xml file by the way, you can download it from here ): 我想解析这个 xml文件并使用XPATH检索一些字段(顺便说一句, 是我看到xml文件的方法,你可以从这里下载):

I try the following code to get the edition of the book: 我尝试以下代码来获得本书的版本:

$file_copac = "http://copac.ac.uk/search?isn=$isbn&rn=1&format=XML+-+MODS";
$xml = simplexml_load_file($file_copac) or die("cannot_get_data");
$temp = $xml->xpath('//edition');

I also tried 'edition' but the result is empty array for both: 我也试过'版'但结果是空数组:

array(0) { }

I tried full path using '/mods/originInfo[1]/edition' which ended with an XPATH error. 我尝试使用'/ mods / originInfo [1] / edition'完整路径,以XPATH错误结束。 I solve problem with this notation: 我用这种表示法解决问题:

$edition = (string)$xml->mods->originInfo[1]->edition;

However I wonder the problem with xpath. 不过我想知道xpath的问题。

Looks like problem with default (empty) namespace, workaround for this: 看起来像默认(空)命名空间的问题,解决方法:

$namespaces = $xml->getDocNamespaces(); 
$xml->registerXPathNamespace('__DEFAULT_NS__', $namespaces['']);
$r = $xml->xpath('//__DEFAULT_NS__:edition');

var_dump((string)$r[0]); //string(8) "8th. ed."

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