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[英]Adding Chosen to a Rails App

I have been looking around and cannot find a good example of implementing Chosen, http://harvesthq.github.com/chosen/ , into a Rails app. 我一直在环顾四周,无法找到一个很好的例子来实现Chosen, http://harvesthq.github.com/chosen/ ,进入Rails应用程序。 I am trying to convert my existing multi-select into a chosen styled multi-select box. 我正在尝试将现有的多选项转换为选定的样式多选框。

I tried inserting the files manually, copying chosen.jquery.js into my assets/javascripts folder along with adding chosen.css. 我尝试手动插入文件,将chosen.jquery.js复制到我的assets / javascripts文件夹中,同时添加chosen.css。 Also added //= require chosen-jquery to application.js along with the following code 还添加了// = require selected-jquery到application.js以及以下代码


Also have *= require chosen in application.css.scss 也可以在application.css.scss中选择* = require

I added :class => "chzn-select" in a collection_select in a form_tag. 我在form_tag的collection_select中添加了:class =>“chzn-select”。

Also tried using the 'chosen-rails' gem (here is an example http://choppingbloc.tumblr.com/post/24894460392/multiple-select-boxes-with-chosen-jquery ) but had no luck. 还尝试使用'selected-rails'宝石(这里有一个例子http://choppingbloc.tumblr.com/post/24894460392/multiple-select-boxes-with-chosen-jquery ),但没有运气。

Anything I might be overlooking? 我可能会忽视什么? The collection_select is working, but it is not styled like Chosen. collection_select正在运行,但它没有像Chosen那样的样式。 I am a beginner so if there is anything obvious I may have overlooked, please tell - everything above is what I have done. 我是初学者,所以如果有任何明显的东西我可能会被忽视,请告诉我 - 以上所有内容都是我所做的。

Set it up like this 像这样设置它

You have to include both the css file and the js file 您必须包含css文件和js文件

in you application.css.scss, (because it is sass, do not use /* require) 在您的application.css.scss中,(因为它是sass,不要使用/ * require)

@import "chosen";

in you application.js 在你的application.js

//= require chosen.jquery

You should give your selects a different class or id than 您应该为您的选择提供不同的类或ID


because, it might make things messy when you debug the html. 因为,调试html时可能会让事情变得混乱。 Chosen gives classes with this prefix like .chzn-done, .chzn-single, chzn-drop, chzn-search. Chosen给出了带有这个前缀的类,如.chzn-done,.chzn-single,chzn-drop,chzn-search。

If you have a railscasts pro account. 如果您有railscasts pro帐户。

look at this 看这个

token-fields-revised 令牌领域,修订

You should really drop the chosen plugin and go for the select2 plugin. 您应该放弃所选的插件并转到select2插件。 It is based on the chosen plugin, but is way better. 它基于所选的插件,但更好。

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