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[英]Java classes reflection in scala

I'm trying to use java's reflection API on scala. 我正在尝试在Scala上使用Java的反射API。 I have a KDTree class loaded from bytecode using a ClassLoader. 我有一个使用ClassLoader从字节码加载的KDTree类。 Here's it's methods: 这是方法:

public class KDTree
public KDTree(int k)
public void insert(double[] key, Object value) throws Exception
public Object[] range(double[] lowk, double[] uppk) throws Exception

And here's my wrapper scala class: 这是我的包装器scala类:

class KDTree( dimentions: Int )
    private val kd= Loader.loadClass("KDTree")
    private val constructor= kd.getConstructor(java.lang.Class.forName("java.lang.Integer"))
    val wrapped= constructor.newInstance("1")
    def insert( key:Array[Double], element:Object)=
        kd.getDeclaredMethod("insert", classOf[Array[Double]])
            .invoke(key, element)
    def range( lowkey:Array[Double], highkey:Array[Double])=
        kd.getDeclaredMethod("range", classOf[Array[Double]])
            .invoke(lowkey, highkey)

When I try to initialize I get an error: 当我尝试初始化时,出现错误:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: KDTree.<init>(java.lang.Integer)

However, the constructor's only argument is indeed a integer! 但是,构造函数的唯一参数确实是整数!

Also, I can't simply do java.lang.Integer.class , since scala complains of the syntax: error: identifier expected but 'class' found. 另外,我不能简单地做java.lang.Integer.class ,因为scala抱怨语法: error: identifier expected but 'class' found.

Does anyone have any tips? 有人有提示吗?

EDIT Here is my finished code, in case someone has a use for it: 编辑这是我完成的代码,以防有人使用它:

class KDTreeWrapper[T]( dimentions: Int )
private val kd= Loader.loadClass("KDTree")
private val constructor= kd.getConstructor(classOf[Int])
private val wrapped= constructor.newInstance(dimentions:java.lang.Integer)
private val insert_method= kd.
    getMethod("insert", classOf[Array[Double]], classOf[Object])
private val range_method= 
    kd.getMethod("range", classOf[Array[Double]], classOf[Array[Double]])
def insert( key:Iterable[Double], element:T)=
    insert_method.invoke(wrapped, key.toArray, element.
def range( lowkey:Iterable[Double], highkey:Iterable[Double]):Array[T]=
    range_method.invoke(wrapped, lowkey.toArray, highkey.toArray).

Your problem is that you try to load a constructor with a type parameter java.lang.Integer . 您的问题是您尝试使用类型参数java.lang.Integer加载构造函数。 Try it with int.class . 尝试使用int.class

Also it is shorter to write kd.getConstructor(int.class) . 同样,写kd.getConstructor(int.class)也更短。

I think my example is a lot simpler, but that could be because I wrote it: 我认为我的示例要简单得多,但这可能是因为我编写了它:

class Config {
  val c = "some config"

class Moo(c: Config) {
  val x = "yow!"

class Loo(c: Config)  extends Moo(c) {
  override val x = c.c + " yodel!"

object CallMe {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val cn = new Config

    // val m: Moo = new Loo(cn)

    val c = Class.forName("Loo")
    val ars = c.getConstructor(classOf[Config])
    val m: Moo = ars.newInstance(cn).asInstanceOf[Moo]


prints out 打印出来

some config yodel!

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