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php cURL表单发布后登录,然后在嵌入标签中显示网站

[英]php cURL form post login then display site in embed tags

I want to be able to log into a site (form POST) from my site and then display the logged in site on my site. 我希望能够从我的站点登录到站点(表单POST),然后在我的站点上显示已登录的站点。

Will logging into the site with cURL (form POST) and on success display the site as if I was logged in on my site using the embed tag work? 使用cURL(表单POST)登录网站并成功登录后,是否可以像使用embed标签登录网站一样显示该网站? Is this the right way to do what I want? 这是做我想要的正确方法吗?

Examples would be helpful. 例子会有所帮助。

That can work if you add <base> tag pointing to the website you are displaying to load all css and js files with relative paths. 如果您添加指向指向要显示的网站的<base>标记以加载具有相对路径的所有css和js文件,则该方法有效。

Also, if you store cookies in file or database, you might not even need to login every time. 另外,如果您将Cookie存储在文件或数据库中,则可能甚至不需要每次都登录。

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