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Bundler,ExecJS,Mac OS X和Debian

[英]Bundler, ExecJS, Mac OS X and Debian

I'm developing Rails on Mac OS X 10.8 and trying to use Capistrano to deploy to Debian Squeeze . 我正在Mac OS X 10.8上开发Rails,并尝试使用Capistrano部署到Debian Squeeze

Deploying gives me this error: 部署给我这个错误:

Could not find libv8- in any of the sources

It seems to be that I have bundle package -da Mac OS X binary gem: 似乎我有bundle package -da Mac OS X二进制gem:

Updating files in vendor/cache
* libv8-

The Gemfile has: Gemfile具有:

gem 'therubyracer'

I want to use binary gems because Squeeze does not provide Node.js from package manager and I would like to keep source compiling out of production server. 我想使用二进制gem,因为Squeeze没有从包管理器中提供Node.js,并且我希望将源代码编译排除在生产服务器之外。

Is there any way to tell Bundler to package both Linux and Darwin binaries? 有没有办法告诉捆扎机打包Linux和达尔文的二进制文件?

BTW, how does therubyracer accomplish this when it too uses Bundler ? 顺便说一句,当therubyracer使用Bundler时,如何做到这一点?

在您的Debian libv8上安装libv8

One solution was to skip bundle package which would download all packages from source, but his made deploy too slow for my taste (probably b/c for some reason it still didn't download binary gem and compiled libv8 afresh each time). 一种解决方案是跳过bundle package ,该软件包将从源代码下载所有软件包,但他的部署对我而言太慢了(可能出于某些原因,b / c仍然没有每次都下载二进制gem和重新编译libv8)。

So I ended up installing Node.js from source to the Debian box and document that as a prerequirement for the project. 因此,我最终将Node.js从源代码安装到Debian盒中,并将其记录为该项目的先决条件。 Then I commented out this part of Gemfile : 然后我注释掉了Gemfile这一部分:

group :assets do
  # gem 'therubyracer'

Now I can again bundle package the whole lot and deploy fast. 现在,我可以再次bundle package并快速部署。

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