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使用Play渲染JSON! 和斯卡拉

[英]Rendering JSON with Play! and Scala

I have a simple question regarding rendering JSON object from a Scala class. 我有一个关于从Scala类渲染JSON对象的简单问题。 Why do I have to implemet deserializer ( read, write ). 为什么我必须实现反序列化器(读,写)。

I have the following case class: 我有以下案例类:

case class User(firstname:String, lastname:String, age:Int)

And in my controller: 在我的控制器中:

val milo:User = new User("Sam","Fisher",23);


I get compilation error: No Json deserializer found for type models.User. 我得到编译错误:找不到类型models.User的Json反序列化器。 Try to implement an implicit Writes or Format for this type. 尝试为此类型实现隐式写入或格式。

In my previous project I had to implement a reader,writer object in the class for it to work and I find it very annoying. 在我以前的项目中,我必须在类中实现一个reader,writer对象才能工作,我发现它非常烦人。

object UserWebsite {
  implicit object UserWebsiteReads extends Format[UserWebsite] {

    def reads(json: JsValue) = UserWebsite(
      (json \ "email").as[String],
      (json \ "url").as[String],
      (json \ "imageurl").as[String])

    def writes(ts: UserWebsite) = JsObject(Seq(
      "email" -> JsString(ts.email),
      "url" -> JsString(ts.url),
      "imageurl" -> JsString(ts.imageurl)))

I really recommend to upgrade to play 2.1-RC1 because here, JSON writers/readers are very simple to be defined (more details here ) 我真的建议升级到2.1-RC1,因为在这里,JSON编写器/阅读器很容易定义(更多细节在这里

But in order to help you to avoid some errors, I will give you a hint with imports: - use these imports only! 但是为了帮助你避免一些错误,我会给你一个进口提示: - 只使用这些进口! (notice that json.Reads is not included) (注意不包括json.Reads)

import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import play.api.libs.json.Writes._

and you only have to write this code for write/read your class to/from Json (of course you will have User instead of Address : 你只需编写这段代码就可以在Json中写入/读取你的类(当然你会有User而不是Address

implicit val addressWrites = Json.writes[Address]
implicit val addressReads = Json.reads[Address]

Now, they will be used automatically: 现在,它们将自动使用:

Example of write : 写的例子:

Ok(Json.toJson(entities.map(s => Json.toJson(s))))

Example of read (I put my example of doing POST for creating an entity by reading json from body) please notice addressReads used here 阅读的例子(我把我的例子用于通过从身体读取json来创建实体)请注意addressReads使用的addressReads

def create = Action(parse.json) { request =>
        request.body.validate(addressReads).map { entity =>
          Ok(RestResponses.toJson(RestResponse(OK, "Succesfully created a new entity.")))
        }.recover { Result =>
          BadRequest(RestResponses.toJson(RestResponse(BAD_REQUEST, "Unable to transform JSON body to entity.")))

In conclusion, they tried (and succeded) to make things very simple regarding JSON. 总之,他们尝试(并成功)使JSON的事情变得非常简单。

If you are using play 2.0.x you can do 如果你使用的是Play 2.0.x,你可以这样做

import com.codahale.jerkson.Json._


generate uses reflection to do it. 生成使用反射来做到这一点。

In play 2.1 you can use Json.writes to create a macro for that implicit object you had to create. 在Play 2.1中,您可以使用Json.writes为您必须创建的隐式对象创建一个宏。 No runtime reflection needed! 无需运行时反射!

import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._

implicit val userWrites = Json.writes[User]

I have been using jerkson (which basically is wrapper to jackson) in my project to convert objects to json string. 我一直在我的项目中使用jerkson(基本上是jackson的包装器)将对象转换为json字符串。

The simplest way to do that is: 最简单的方法是:

import com.codehale.jerkson.Json._

If you need to configure the ObjectMapper (eg adding custom serializer/deserializer, configuring output format, etc.), you can do it by creating object which extends com.codehale.jerkson.Json class. 如果需要配置ObjectMapper(例如添加自定义序列化器/解串器,配置输出格式等),可以通过创建扩展com.codehale.jerkson.Json类的对象来com.codehale.jerkson.Json

package utils

import org.codehaus.jackson.map._
import org.codehaus.jackson.{Version, JsonGenerator, JsonParser}
import com.codahale.jerkson.Json
import org.codehaus.jackson.map.module.SimpleModule
import org.codehaus.jackson.map.annotate.JsonSerialize

object CustomJson extends Json {

  val module = new SimpleModule("CustomSerializer", Version.unknownVersion())

  // --- (SERIALIZERS) ---
  // Example:
  // module.addSerializer(classOf[Enumeration#Value], EnumerationSerializer)
  // --- (DESERIALIZERS) ---
  // Example:
  // module.addDeserializer(classOf[MyEnumType], new EnumerationDeserializer[MyEnumType](MyEnumTypes))


To use it in your codes: 要在您的代码中使用它:

import utils.CustomJson._

In fact, this is very simple. 实际上,这很简单。 Firstly import: 首先导入:

import play.api.libs.json._

Thanks to the fact, that User is a case class you can automatically create Json writes using Json.writes[]: 由于事实,User是一个案例类,您可以使用Json.writes []自动创建Json写入:

val milo:User = new User("Millad","Dagdoni",23)
implicit val userImplicitWrites = Json.writes[User]

I haven't found it in the docs, but here is the link to the api: http://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.2.x/api/scala/index.html#play.api.libs.json.Json $ 我没有在文档中找到它,但这里是api的链接: http//www.playframework.com/documentation/2.2.x/api/scala/index.html#play.api.libs.json杰森 $

In your case, I'd use the JSON.format macro. 在您的情况下,我将使用JSON.format宏。

import play.api.libs.json._
implicit val userFormat = Json.format[User]
val milo = new User("Sam", "Fisher", 23)
val json = Json.toJson(milo)

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