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字符串到varchar C#/ SQL Server

[英]string to varchar C# / SQL Server

I have an application where I need to store a value in a column. 我有一个需要将值存储在列中的应用程序。 The value is a string in the code and the column data type is nvarchar . 该值是代码中的字符串,列数据类型为nvarchar

foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
    //Generate a random length for randomKey range between 3 and 6 characters
    Random randKey = new Random();
    int randKeyLength = randKey.Next(3, 6);

    //calculate randomKeyString
    String randomKeyString = md5Prepare.gen_randomKeyString(randKeyLength);

    //add randomKeyString to database
    row["randomKey"] = randomKeyString;

When I check the database, the column "randomKey" is unchanged. 当我检查数据库时,列“ randomKey”不变。 What is wrong here? 怎么了

You didn't call any Commit methods on DataRow or DataTable . 您没有在DataRowDataTable上调用任何Commit方法。
You need the DataAdapter and DataSet to actually update database. 您需要DataAdapterDataSet才能实际更新数据库。

foreach (...)
    // your code here
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();

There is nothing wrong with what you are doing to set the value. 设置值没有错。 Strings are unicode in C# as is nvarchar. 字符串与nvarchar在C#中是unicode。 You simply need to write the values back/insert them into the database as what you are doing at the moment is manipulating the in memory representations of what you have read from the database. 您只需要将这些值写回/将其插入数据库中,就如同当前正在操作从数据库中读取的内存中表示形式一样。

Do not create the instance of the Random object inside the foreach: Rather create it before. 不要在foreach内部创建Random对象的实例:而是在之前创建它。

The sequence of random numbers generated by a single Random instance is supposed to be uniformly distributed. 由单个Random实例生成的随机数序列应该是均匀分布的。 By creating a new Random instance for every random number in quick successions, you are likely to seed them with identical values and have them generate identical random numbers. 通过快速连续地为每个随机数创建一个新的Random实例,您很可能使用相同的值为它们播种并让它们生成相同的随机数。 Of course, in this case, the generated sequence will be far from uniform distribution. 当然,在这种情况下,生成的序列将远非均匀分布。

For the sake of completeness, if you really need to reseed a Random, you'll create a new instance of Random with the new seed: 为了完整起见,如果您确实需要重新设定Random的种子,则将使用新种子创建一个Random的新实例:

rnd = new Random(newSeed);

Thanks to Mehrdad Afshari 感谢Mehrdad Afshari

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