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[英]What do the parentheses around a function name mean?

In one of my project source files, I found this C function definition: 在我的项目源文件之一中,我找到了以下C函数定义:

int (foo) (int *bar)
    return foo (bar);

Note: there is no asterisk next to foo , so it's not a function pointer. 注意: foo旁边没有星号,因此它不是函数指针。 Or is it? 还是? What is going on here with the recursive call? 递归调用在这里发生了什么?

In the absence of any preprocessor stuff going on, foo 's signature is equivalent to 在没有任何预处理程序发生的情况下, foo的签名等效于

int foo (int *bar)

The only context in which I've seen people putting seemingly unnecessary parentheses around function names is when there are both a function and a function-like macro with the same name, and the programmer wants to prevent macro expansion. 我看到人们在函数名称周围加上看似不必要的括号的唯一情况是,同时存在一个函数和一个具有相同名称的类似函数的宏,并且程序员希望防止宏扩展。

This practice may seem a little odd at first, but the C library sets a precedent by providing some macros and functions with identical names . 这种做法乍看起来似乎有些奇怪,但是C库通过提供一些具有相同名称的宏和函数来树立了先例。

One such function/macro pair is isdigit() . 一个这样的函数/宏对是isdigit() The library might define it as follows: 该库可能将其定义如下:

/* the macro */
#define isdigit(c) ...

/* the function */
int (isdigit)(int c) /* avoid the macro through the use of parentheses */
  return isdigit(c); /* use the macro */

Your function looks almost identical to the above, so I suspect this is what's going on in your code too. 您的函数看起来几乎与上面的函数相同,因此我怀疑这也是您的代码中正在发生的事情。

The parantheses don't change the declaration - it's still just defining an ordinary function called foo . 寄生函数不会改变声明,它仍然只是定义一个称为foo的普通函数。

The reason that they have been used is almost certainly because there is a function-like macro called foo defined: 使用它们的原因几乎可以肯定是因为定义了一个称为foo的类似于函数的宏:

#define foo(x) ...

Using (foo) in the function declaration prevents this macro from being expanded here. 在函数声明中使用(foo)可防止在此处扩展此宏。 So what is likely happening is that a function foo() is being defined with its body being expanded from the function-like macro foo . 因此,可能发生的情况是定义了函数foo() ,并从类似于函数的宏foo扩展了其主体。

The parentheses are meaningless. 括号是没有意义的。
The code you show is nothing but an infinite recursion. 您显示的代码不过是无限递归。

When defining a function pointer, you sometimes see strange parentheses that do mean something. 在定义函数指针时,有时您会看到确实包含某些含义的奇怪括号。 But this isn't the case here. 但是这里不是这种情况。

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