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[英]JS function within function does not get called

I have what I hope is a very simple question. 我希望这是一个非常简单的问题。 In fact I think it's silly I haven't figured it out. 事实上,我认为这很愚蠢,我还没弄清楚。 I have an example of my code here: 我在这里有一个代码示例:

http://jsfiddle.net/joeljoelbinks/pVSDL/ http://jsfiddle.net/joeljoelbinks/pVSDL/

excerpt: 摘抄:

function lighten() {

jQuery(this).css('opacity', '0.5');
jQuery(this).html('DO IT!');

function darken() {

jQuery(this).css('opacity', '1');
jQuery(this).html('CLICK TO EXPAND');

function expand() {

jQuery(this).off('click', expand);
jQuery(this).off('mouseover', lighten);
jQuery(this).on('click', contract);
darken(); //this doesn't get called
jQuery(this).animate({width: '200px', height: '200px'}, 500);


function contract() {

jQuery(this).off('click', contract);
jQuery(this).on('mouseover', lighten);
jQuery(this).on('click', expand);
lighten(); //this doesn't get called
jQuery(this).animate({width: '100px', height: '100px'}, 250);


This is a simplified prototype of an expanding div design I am implementing on a website I am working on. 这是我正在开发的网站上实现的扩展div设计的简化原型。 Everything works as designed except the lighten() and darken() functions do not get called when inside the expand() or contract() functions. 一切都按设计工作,除了在expand()或contract()函数内部不会调用lighten()和darken()函数。 I have tried multiple ways to call them from within the functions but they don't work. 我尝试了多种方法从函数内调用它们但它们不起作用。 Notice that I left them there just to show you that that's what needs to be fixed. 请注意,我把它们留在那里只是为了告诉你这是需要修复的。 How do I get them to fire when within the expand/contract functions? 如何在扩展/合同功能中触发它们? They work as when bound to mouseover/mouseout events which I coded at the beginning, but not within the other function. 它们在绑定到鼠标悬停/鼠标输出事件时工作,我在开始时编码,但不在其他函数内。 If I make them execute an alert() function, then they work in all contexts but not if I am trying to modify JQuery(this) with them. 如果我让它们执行一个alert()函数,那么它们可以在所有上下文中工作,但如果我试图用它们修改JQuery(this)则不行。

Bonus question: also, look at the top of the js: how do I bind both variables to the same events as opposed to the current code where I have to bind them separately? 额外问题:另外,请查看js的顶部:如何将两个变量绑定到相同的事件而不是当前代码,我必须单独绑定它们? I have tried bind() and several other things but I can only get them to bind when I do them separately which is a violation of DRY principles ;) 我已经尝试过bind()和其他一些东西,但是当我单独执行它时,我只能让它们绑定,这违反了DRY原则;)

You need to make sure that this refers to the right thing: 你需要确保this是指正确的事情:


instead of 代替


The value of this is determined upon every function call, so you need to make sure that it's correct by using .call() . this是在每个函数调用确定的,所以你需要确保它的正确使用.call() Alternatively, you could change your darken() and lighten() functions so that they took a parameter for the element to affect. 或者,您可以更改darken()lighten()函数,以便它们为要影响的元素提供参数。

edit — as to your "bonus", you can't do that without some other function to "serialize" the calls to the two event handlers you need to bind to "click" (or whatever). 编辑 - 关于你的“奖金”,如果没有其他功能来“序列化”你需要绑定到“点击”(或其他)的两个事件处理程序的调用,你就不能这样做。 That's certainly possible, but it's questionably valuable. 这当然是可能的,但它有价值。 You could always just write a single function to call the two functions in question (again being careful to explicitly pass on this appropriately). 你总是可以编写一个函数来调用有问题的两个函数(再次注意要明确地传递this函数)。

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