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[英]google maps api utility v3 styled markers, bigger markers?

I'm trying to style my markers, is there a way to change size of the marker? 我正在尝试设置标记的样式,是否可以更改标记的大小?

            var marker = new StyledMarker({
                styleIcon: new StyledIcon(StyledIconTypes.MARKER,{color:"#82F56D", text:''+i+''}),
                position: myLatLng,
                map: map,
                title: label,
                zIndex: z

This is my code for the styledmarker in the google maps utility library. 这是我在google maps实用程序库中的styledmarker的代码。 How do I make the bubbles bigger on the rounding part? 如何在圆角部分增大气泡? My numbers are to close to the edges. 我的数字接近边缘。 I'd like to have some kind of padding or some sort? 我想要某种填充或某种填充吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!

根据参考文献 ,没有诸如size属性之类的东西或与操纵size有关的任何东西。

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