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Vim - NERDTree - 如何在NERDTree插件中打开隐藏文件夹(.name)?

[英]Vim - NERDTree - how to open a hidden folder (.name) in NERDTree plugin?

I have a hidden folder which name starts with . 我有一个隐藏文件夹,名称以。 (dot) I am editing files withing the parent folder but want to be able to access files within the hidden one as well from within NERDTree plugin under vim. (点)我正在使用父文件夹编辑文件,但希望能够在vim下的NERDTree插件中访问隐藏文件中的文件。

Is there a way to do it? 有办法吗?

If you hit SHIFT i , the NERDTree shows also hidden files. 如果你点击SHIFT i ,NERDTree也会显示隐藏文件。

This could be found in the docs of NERDTree that appear if you hit ? 这可以在NERDTree的文档中找到,如果你点击它会出现 in the NERDTree window or type :he NERDTree (specific: :he NERDTreeMappings) . 在NERDTree窗口中或键入:he NERDTree (具体:he NERDTreeMappings)

To shows hidden files/folders by default, add this line to your .vimrc file: 要默认显示隐藏文件/文件夹,请将此行添加到.vimrc文件中:

let NERDTreeShowHidden=1

Hit SHIFT i to toggle between show and hide hidden files/folders. 点击SHIFT 在显示和隐藏隐藏文件/文件夹之间切换。

If you ignore file/folder(like .git/ , .DS_Store/ etc) in NerdTree, add this line to your vim script: 如果忽略NerdTree中的文件/文件夹(如.git /,。DS_Store / etc),请将此行添加到vim脚本中:

let NERDTreeIgnore=['\.DS_Store$', '\.git$'] " ignore files in nerd tree

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