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Windows应用商店应用 - 测试应用内购买

[英]Windows Store App - Test In-App Purchase

I'm working on a Windows Store app. 我正在开发一个Windows应用商店应用。 This app allows the user to pay for an upgrade in the app. 此应用程序允许用户在应用程序中支付升级费用。 The upgrade simply removes the advertisements (for now). 升级只会删除广告(暂时)。 I submitted my app for certification. 我提交了我的应用认证。 However, it failed. 然而,它失败了。 I suspect the reason it failed is because of 1.2 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh694083.aspx). 我怀疑它失败的原因是因为1.2(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh694083.aspx)。

More specifically, I believe its because I did not provide a way for testers to test purchases. 更具体地说,我相信它是因为我没有为测试人员提供测试购买的方法。 My question is, how do I do that? 我的问题是,我该怎么做? The certification doesn't say anything about that. 该认证没有说明这一点。 But the certification report I received said a possible reason for failure was: "Can users make purchases through the app? If so, you need to provide a way to test those purchases.". 但我收到的认证报告称失败的可能原因是:“用户可以通过应用程序进行购买吗?如果是这样,您需要提供一种方法来测试这些购买。”

My app does not require a username/password, so I don't have a way of identifying the user. 我的应用程序不需要用户名/密码,因此我没有办法识别用户。 How do I know its a tester to allow them to test purchases. 我怎么知道它的测试人员允许他们测试购买。

Maybe they mean you should provide a step-by-step description of how to find your Upgrade button and test the additional functionality of your App? 也许它们意味着您应该逐步说明如何找到升级按钮并测试应用程序的其他功能? The Microsoft test team needs to verify that your Upgrade features are working properly. Microsoft测试团队需要验证您的升级功能是否正常运行。

In your case you would have to write something like this in the App Store Description: 在您的情况下,您必须在App Store中编写类似的内容说明:

  • Go to into the main menu and click the Upgrade button. 转到主菜单,然后单击“升级”按钮。
  • As you can see, all advertisements are removed from the app. 如您所见,所有广告都会从应用中删除。
  • Places that have advertisements before buying the Upgrade: 购买升级前有广告的地方:
    • Welcome screen 欢迎屏幕
    • ... ...
    • .... ....

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