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[英]add rule to jQuery validate from code behind

I know that to add a validator with jQuery you would do something like this: 我知道要使用jQuery添加验证器,您将执行以下操作:

 $(document).ready(function() {
                rules: {
                    <%=txtUserName.UniqueID %>: {
                    maxlength: 5,

But how would I add to the rules from the code behind, say for example add the required rule to the textbox. 但是我如何从后面的代码中添加规则,例如将所需的规则添加到文本框中。

How would I go about doing that? 我将如何去做?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

One approach would be to produce the entire rules parameter using a function in the code behind, so for example on the page you would have: 一种方法是使用后面代码中的函数来产生整个规则参数,例如,在页面上您将具有:

 $(document).ready(function() {

and then add a function in the code behind, GetValidationRules that returns the parameter containing the rules for all controls to be validated. 然后在后面的代码GetValidationRules中添加一个函数,该函数返回包含要验证的所有控件的规则的参数。

To add a rule to an element you can try 要向元素添加规则,您可以尝试

$("#input_ID").rules("add", "required"); // input_ID is element's id

Above line will add the required rule to an element with id input_ID . 上面的行会将required规则添加到ID为input_ID的元素中。 But in this case you have to call $("#form1").validate(); 但是在这种情况下,您必须调用$("#form1").validate(); first and you have it already. 首先,您已经拥有它。 Also you can use 你也可以用

    rules: {
        name: "required",
        email: {
            required: true,
            email: true
   messages: {
       name: "Please specify your name",
       email: {
           required: "We need your email address to contact you",
           email: "Your email address must be in the format of name@domain.com"

Above code specifies a name element as required and an email element as required and a valid email address. 上面的代码指定一个name为元素requiredemail的元素required和有效的电子邮件地址。 A single message is specified for the name element, and two messages for email . name元素指定了一条消息,为email指定了两条消息。 Here, name and email are name of two elements. 在此, nameemail是两个元素的名称。

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