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[英]How to add button to MBProgressHUD, relative to text label?

I want to add a custom cancel button to MBProgressHUD , and I want it to be just right of text label. 我想向MBProgressHUD添加自定义取消按钮,并且希望它恰好在文本标签的右边。 But MBProgresHUD is drawn by overriding drawRect method, so, while I can add button as subview to HUD, i don't know how large text label will be so I can position my button properly. 但是MBProgresHUD是通过重写drawRect方法绘制的,因此,尽管我可以将按钮添加为HUD的子视图,但我不知道文本标签的大小,因此可以正确放置按钮。

How can this be achieved? 如何做到这一点?

I'm not sure this is possible directly using MBProgressHUD . 我不确定直接使用MBProgressHUD是否可能。 Not without rewriting much of it. 并非没有大量重写。

One option could be to just add your own button as a subview of the view you are adding the HUD to that would just close the HUD or cancel the action. 一种选择是仅将您自己的按钮添加为要向其添加HUD的视图的子视图,这只会关闭HUD或取消操作。

UIButton *button = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50, 50, 50, 50)]; // made up coords here
// set button stuff here
[self.view addSubview:button];

You will need to set the button actions, background or image (for look and feel), then add it to your view. 您将需要设置按钮操作,背景或图像(用于外观),然后将其添加到视图中。 Basically 2 views to achieve what you need. 基本上有2种视图可满足您的需求。 HUD and button. HUD和按钮。 Probably a lot easier than rewriting MBProgressHUD to allow buttons. MBProgressHUD允许按钮容易得多。

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