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powershell 添加文件到 zip

[英]powershell add file to zip

I'm trying to add a file to a zip file using powershell我正在尝试使用 powershell 将文件添加到 zip 文件

I can create the zip file but can't work out how to add my file to it我可以创建 zip 文件,但不知道如何向其中添加我的文件

I'm using我正在使用

$zipfilename = 'c:\cwRsync\backup.zip'
$file = 'c:\cwRsync\backup.log'
set-content $zipfilename ("PK" + [char]5 + [char]6 + ("$([char]0)" * 18))
(dir $zipfilename).IsReadOnly = $false
$zipfile = (New-Object -ComObject shell.application).NameSpace($zipfilename)

This create the zip file but doesn't add the new file这会创建 zip 文件但不会添加新文件

I tried the following code I found on stackoverflow which works我尝试了以下在 stackoverflow 上找到的有效代码

$zipfilename = "a.zip"
set-content $zipfilename ("PK" + [char]5 + [char]6 + ("$([char]0)" * 18))
$app = new-object -com shell.application
$zip = ( get-item a.zip ).fullname
$folder = $app.namespace( $zip )
$item = new-item file.txt -itemtype file -value "Mooo" -force
$folder.copyhere( $item.fullname )

but that add a file created by powershell whereas I want to add an existing file但是添加了一个由 powershell 创建的文件,而我想添加一个现有文件

Any help would be much appreciated任何帮助将非常感激

To create a zip archive:要创建 zip 存档:

powershell Compress-Archive %file% %file%.zip

To replace the archive (with a different file):要替换存档(使用不同的文件):

powershell Compress-Archive -force %different_file% %file%.zip

To add a file to the (existing) archive:将文件添加到(现有)存档:

powershell Compress-Archive -update %2nd_file% %file%.zip

Tested on Win 10 CMD Powershell 5.1在 Win 10 上测试 CMD Powershell 5.1

The CopyHere function just takes a string that is the path to your file. CopyHere函数仅采用字符串作为文件路径。 For example: 例如:

$folder.copyhere( "c:\PathToYourFile\YourFile" )

Tip: 小费:

The Powershell Pack Module has some useful tools, one of which is a zip utility, which will reduce your code to 1 line: Powershell Pack模块具有一些有用的工具,其中一个是zip实用程序,它将把您的代码减少到1行:

Copy-ToZip "c:\PathToYourFile\YourFile" -ZipFile a.zip

I pulled this from my notes. 我从笔记中拉了这个。 Got it off the scripting guy's website, maybe this will help... 从脚本专家的网站上删除它,也许这会有所帮助...

$source = "D:\temp\test"
$destination = "d:\temp\csvdir_Backup.zip"
If(Test-path $destination) {Remove-item $destination}
Add-Type -assembly "system.io.compression.filesystem"
[io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory($Source, $destination) 

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