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CakePHP 2.2.4:使用组件/帮助器轻松帮助链接

[英]CakePHP 2.2.4: Help Simply Links using Component/Helper

I made a helper that returns the URL for a given page. 我做了一个帮助程序,它返回给定页面的URL。

Helper file: 助手文件:

  public function PageURL($link = null, $category = null, $page = null){

                $link = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $link));
                $page_url = "http://www.domain.com/$link";
                $page_url = "http://www.domain.com/$category/$page";
                return $page_url;

(By the way, is there a variable I can use in place of http://www.domain.com such as full_site_url, base_url, etc?) (顺便说一句,是否有一个变量可以代替http://www.domain.com使用,例如full_site_url,base_url等?)

This is what my view looks like when I pass parameters to the helper: 这是我将参数传递给助手时的视图:

<?php echo $this->Html->link($page['Page']['title'], $this->Custom->PageuRL($page['Page']['link'], $page['Category']['directory'], $page['Page']['id'])); ?>

This is a lot to write every time. 每次都要写很多东西。

I created a component that fetches the URL of the page I want to go to. 我创建了一个组件,该组件可获取要访问的页面的URL。 It is currently implement on AppController so I'm able to display the current page's URL fine, but I would like to use it inside the view or inside a helper to display another page's url. 它目前是在AppController上实现的,因此我可以很好地显示当前页面的URL,但是我想在视图内部或帮助器内部使用它来显示另一个页面的URL。

public function TestPageURL($page = null) {

App::uses('ClassRegistry', 'Utility');
$pagesModel = ClassRegistry::init('Page');
$matchedpage = $pagesModel->find('first', array(
    'conditions' => array('Page.id' => $page), 'recursive' => '0'

            $pagelink = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $matchedpage['Page']['link']));
            $page_url = "http://www.domain.com/" . $pagelink;
            $page_url = "http://www.domain.com/" . $matchedpage['Page']['Category']['directory'] . $matchedpage['Page']['id'];


        return $page_url;

} // end page url

With this way, I only need to pass one param to the component. 通过这种方式,我只需要将一个参数传递给组件。

I know it is not good to use components inside of helpers and I'm not sure if it's even allowed in this version of CakePHP but it would make creating links much simpler. 我知道在助手中使用组件不是很好,并且我不确定在此版本的CakePHP中是否甚至允许使用它,但这会使创建链接变得更加简单。 Does anyone know how I can either use this component in a helper or make a helper act in the same way where I only have to pass the page variable? 有谁知道我该如何在帮助程序中使用此组件,或者以仅传递page变量的相同方式使帮助程序起作用?

EDIT: Ok this is working for me and it may be frowned upon by everyone because it involves doing queries in the helper but it's really simplifying things. 编辑:好的,这对我有用,并且可能会引起每个人的反对,因为它涉及在帮助程序中进行查询,但实际上是在简化事情。 I'll see if it slows down my site. 我会看看它是否会使我的网站慢下来。

I'm still open to suggestions on how to improve this. 我仍然愿意就如何改进它提出建议。

  public function TestPageURL($page = null) {

    $pagesModel = ClassRegistry::init('Page');
    $matchedPage = $pagesModel ->find('first', array(
        'conditions' => array('Page.id' => $page), 'recursive' => '1'

           if($matchedPage ['Page']['link']){
                $link = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $matchedPage['Page']['link']));
                $page_url = "http://www.domain.com/$link";
                $page_url = "http://www.domain.com/" . $matchedPage['Page']['Category']['directory'] . '/' .$matchedPage['Page']['id'];

            return $page_url;


I would recommend creating the URL in the model when fetching the data in the controller. 我建议在控制器中获取数据时在模型中创建URL。 btw, you can retreive the full base URL using Router::url . 顺便说一句,您可以使用Router::url检索完整的基本URL。

Example (untested)... Model: 示例(未试用)...型号:

public function findPagesIncludingURLs()
    $pages = $this->find('all'); // or whatever you want to retreive

    $base = Router::url('/', true);
    foreach($pages as &$page)
        $url = null;
            $url = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $page['Page']['link']));
            $url = $page['Page']['Category']['directory'] . '/' . $page['Page']['id'];

        $page['Page']['url'] = $base . $url;

    return $pages;

Controller: 控制器:

$this->set('pages', $this->Page->findPagesIncludingURLs());

View: 视图:

echo $this->Html->link($page['Page']['title'], $page['Page']['url']);

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