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[英]How to render nested collections in Meteor?

Summary: 摘要:
Child categories nested inside of Parent Categories are not getting rendered in a Meteor template. 嵌套在“父类别”中的子类别不会在Meteor模板中呈现。

Details: 细节:
Consider a data model for 'Category' as such: 考虑“类别”的数据模型:

// Model Schema
Category {
   idCategory : 20, (id of the category itself)
   idCategoryParent : 0, (idCategory of our parent category)
   defaultLabel : "Movies" (our label)

There are parent categories and child categories. 有父类别和子类别。 Parent categories have an idCategoryParent property value of 0. Child categories store the idCategory of their parents as their idCategoryParent property. 父类别的idCategoryParent属性值为0.子类别将其父项的idCategory存储为其idCategoryParent属性。 I'm trying to loop through a collection of these Categories and render them in the following way: 我正在尝试遍历这些类别的集合并以下列方式呈现它们:

<b>Movies</b> // parent category is in bold
<ul> // child categories are rendered as an unordered list


However, this is what I actually get: 然而,这是我实际得到的:

<ul> // empty...


Source Code: 源代码:

// How we get the 'categories_parents' data
Template.content.categories_parents = function (){ 

    * Get all parent categories (categories with an idCategoryParent of 0)
    var parents = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:0});
    var pCount = parents.count();

    for (var i = 0; i < pCount; i++){

            var pId = parents.db_objects[i]['idCategory'];
            * Get all child categories of the parent (categories with
            * an idCategoryParent equal to value of parent category's idCategory).
            var children = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:pId});
            var cCount = children.count();

            * Assign the child categories array as a property of the parent category
            * so that we can access it easily in the template #each expression
            parents.db_objects[i]['children'] = children;

    return parents;

// This is our template
<template name="content">
    {{#each categories_parents}}
        <b>{{defaultLabel}}</b><br />
            {{#each children}}

Other template configurations I have tried in troubleshooting: 我在故障排除中尝试过的其他模板配置:

{{#each children}}
<li>A Child Exists Here</li> // Even this never rendered... no children?

Any clues as to why this is happening would be appreciated. 任何关于为什么会发生这种情况的线索将不胜感激。

Your model is kind of iffy... Consider 你的模型有点不对......考虑一下

{name:"Category name", parent:"_id of parent category"}

Okay, that's a lot simpler. 好的,这更简单了。 To create a category. 创建一个类别。

var moviesId = Categories.insert({name:"Movies"});

That was easy enough. 这很容易。 Now, to render in a way that {{#each}} works: 现在,以{{#each}}工作方式呈现:

Template.categories.categories = function(parent) {
  if (parent) {
    return Categories.find({parent:parent}).fetch();
  } else {
    return Categories.find({parent:{$exists:false}});

You might be seeing where this is going... 你可能会看到这是怎么回事......

<template name="categories">
   {{#each categories}}
       {{#each categories _id}}

Now I'm not sure if the {{#each}} block helper can take a function argument when it calls another helper. 现在我不确定{{#each}}块帮助器在调用另一个帮助器时是否可以使用函数参数。 If it doesn't... 如果不...

Template.categories.categories = function() {
  return Categories.find({parent:{$exists:false}}).map(function(parentCategory) {
    return _.extend(parentCategory,

That's a real doozy. 这真是太过分了。 It returns parent categories with a new "children" list property, that contains all the children categories. 它返回具有新“children”列表属性的父类别,该属性包含所有子类别。 Now you can do: 现在你可以这样做:

<template name="categories">
   {{#each categories}}
       {{#each children}}

Clever, eh? 聪明,是吗?

I don't know about db_objects, when I try and access that property on a cursor (which is what find() returns), it's null . 我不知道db_objects,当我尝试在游标上访问该属性时(这是find()返回的),它是null

You could fetch the items that matches your query instead, and then do your iteration: 您可以获取与您的查询匹配的项目,然后进行迭代:

Template.content.categories_parents = function (){ 

    var parents = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:0}).fetch(); // Returns an array.

    for (var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++){

        var pId = parents[i]['idCategory'];

        var children = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:pId});

        // No need for array here, cursor is fine.
        parents.db_objects[i]['children'] = children; 

return parents;

I'm new at this myself, so maybe there's a more efficient way of doing it, but I don't know it currently. 我自己也是新手,所以也许有一种更有效的方法,但我目前还不知道。

Update after Eric's comment. Eric发表评论后更新。

The js file looks like this: js文件如下所示:

Categories = new Meteor.Collection("categories");

if (Meteor.isClient) {
    Template.categories.categories = function () {
        var parents = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:0}).fetch();

        for (var i = 0; i < parents.length; i += 1) {
            var pId = parents[i]['idCategory'];

            var children = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:pId});

            parents[i]['children'] = children;

        return parents;

if (Meteor.isServer) {
    Meteor.startup(function () {
        var data = [
            {idCategoryParent: 0, idCategory: 1, label: "Movies"},
            {idCategoryParent: 1, idCategory: 0, label: "Science Fiction"},
            {idCategoryParent: 1, idCategory: 0, label: "Drama"},

            {idCategoryParent: 0, idCategory: 2, label: "Music"},
            {idCategoryParent: 2, idCategory: 0, label: "Jazz"},
            {idCategoryParent: 2, idCategory: 0, label: "Piano"}

        for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 1) {

The html file looks like this: html文件如下所示:


  {{> categories}}

<template name="categories">
    {{#each categories}}
        {{#each children}}

It works just fine for me. 它对我来说很好。

Solved. 解决了。

My solution was to remove the {{#each}} logic from the template and replace it with a single handlebars helper expression, and pass back the needed html all at once. 我的解决方案是从模板中删除{{#each}}逻辑并将其替换为单个把手助手表达式,并立即传回所需的html。 The html is generated from data in the cursor of the Categories collection. html是从Categories集合的游标中的数据生成的。

Not so sure about having all this html in my logic though -- is this bad design? 不太确定在我的逻辑中拥有所有这些HTML - 这是一个糟糕的设计吗? If so I'll defer to a better answer. 如果是这样,我会推迟一个更好的答案。

// This is the new template
<template name="content">

// Handlebars helper 
Handlebars.registerHelper('listCategories', function() {

  var parents = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:0});
  var countParents = parents.count();
  var string = '';

  // iterate over each parent category  
  for(m = 0; m < countParents; m++){

      // Get the parents category id
    var pId = parents.db_objects[m].idCategory;
    var children = Categories.find({idCategoryParent:pId});
    var count = children.count();

      * Build the Parent Category html
      * Example: <b>Movies</b><ul>
    string = string + '<b>' + parents.db_objects[m].defaultLabel + '</b><ul>';

    // iterate over each child category
    for(var i = 0; i < count; i++){

         * Build the child category html
         * Example: <li>Horror</li>
       string = string + '<li>' + children.db_objects[i]['defaultLabel'] + '</li>';

      // Close up the unordered list
    string = string + '</ul>';


  // Return the string as raw html
  return new Handlebars.SafeString(string);


// Rendered out the result correctly like so:


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