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[英]Passing of variable from php to shell script

Here's my php code: 这是我的PHP代码:

exec("expect /home/foo.sh $var1");

and my shell script: 和我的shell脚本:

spawn su -s /bin/bash root -c "/usr/bin/gpg --output /home/$1.gpg --encrypt --recipient sampleonly@yahoo.com  /home/$1"
expect "Password:"
send "mypassword\r"
expect "*complete*"

It doesn't get my variable 它没有得到我的变量

You have to assign your arguments to variables like this: 您必须将参数分配给以下变量:

Shell Script: Shell脚本:

set name [lrange $argv 0 0]
send -- "Hello $name"

Terminal command: 终端命令:

expect hello.sh Benjamin

Result: 结果:

Hello Benjamin

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