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[英]How can i declare global variable in the controller in extjs4.1?

I face some problem i can not declare global variable in extjs 4.1 controller if any one can help me how can i declare it.I donot know how i declare it here is my code 我面临一些问题,我无法在extjs 4.1控制器中声明全局变量,如果任何人可以帮助我,我怎么能声明它。我不知道如何在这里声明它是我的代码

Ext.define('Ext4Example.controller.poscontroller', {
    extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',    
    //models: ['Vat','Rebate','Customer','Product','Invoice','Item','Order','Paymethod'],
    stores: ['InvoiceIdFromSession','Vats','Rebates','Customers','Products','Invoices','Items','Paymethods'], //'Orders', ,'InvoiceIdFromSession','Products'  
    id : 'poscontroller',
    views   : ['stock.SaleWindow','stock.ItemForm2','stock.ItemsGrid','stock.CalculationForm'],
    refs: [{
        ref: 'itemForm',
        selector: 'form'
    init: function() {
            'itemsgrid': {
                removeitem: this.removeUser
            'salewindow button[action=resetAll]': {
                click: this.resertform
            'salewindow button[action=saveOrder]' : {
                click : this.onsaveOrder
            'salewindow button[action=PDF]' : {
                click : this. pdfreport

    onsaveOrder : function(button){
            // i want declare this variable to global variable  

            var  itemform  = Ext.getCmp('itemform2');
            var  calculation_Form =Ext.getCmp('calculation-form');
            var ItemFrmdata = itemform.getForm().getValues(); 
            var calcFrmdata = calculation_Form.getForm().getValues();


Just like how you are setting the id , views or any other property. 就像你设置idviews或任何其他属性一样。 You only need to know that they named properties and not variables. 您只需要知道它们命名属性而不是变量。

example: 例:

stores: ['InvoiceIdFromSession','Vats'], 
booleanVariable: true, 
stringVariable: 'demo',
floatVariable: .6,
objectVariable: { demo: 'test' }, 
id : 'poscontroller',

Try this: 试试这个:

Ext.define('Ext4Example.controller.poscontroller', {
extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',
models: [
stores: [
], //'Orders', ,'InvoiceIdFromSession','Products'
id : 'poscontroller',
views : [
refs: [{
    ref: 'itemForm',
    selector: 'form'

/*These are Global variables for this controller,
Now you can get and set these variable according to your need*/
    itemform  : Ext.getCmp('itemform2'),
    calculation_Form : Ext.getCmp('calculation-form'),
    ItemFrmdata : this.getItemform().getForm().getValues(),  // for get declared Variable
    calcFrmdata : this.getCalculation_Form().getForm().getValues()  // for get declared Variable
init: function() {

        'itemsgrid': {
            removeitem: this.removeUser
        'salewindow button[action=resetAll]': {
            click: this.resertform
        'salewindow button[action=saveOrder]' : {
            click : this.onsaveOrder
        'salewindow button[action=PDF]' : {
            click : this. pdfreport
onsaveOrder : function(button){


At last i do it ..... 最后我做到了.....

Ext.define('Ext4Example.controller.poscontroller', {
  extend: 'Ext.app.Controller',    
  //models: ['Vat','Rebate','Customer','Product','Invoice','Item','Order','Paymethod'],
  stores: ['InvoiceIdFromSession','Vats','Rebates','Customers','Products','Invoices','Items','Paymethods'], //'Orders', ,'InvoiceIdFromSession','Products'  
  id : 'poscontroller',
  views : ['stock.SaleWindow','stock.ItemForm2','stock.ItemsGrid','stock.CalculationForm'],
  refs: [{
    ref: 'itemForm',
    selector: 'form'
  init: function() {
    itemform  = Ext.getCmp('itemform2');
    calculation_Form = Ext.getCmp('calculation-form');
    ItemFrmdata = itemform.getForm().getValues(); 
    calcFrmdata = calculation_Form.getForm().getValues();
      'itemsgrid': {
        removeitem: this.removeUser
      'salewindow button[action=resetAll]': {
        click: this.resertform
      'salewindow button[action=saveOrder]' : {
        click : this.onsaveOrder
      'salewindow button[action=PDF]' : {
        click : this. pdfreport

  onsaveOrder : function(button){           

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