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Visual Studio中字符串的快捷方式

[英]Shortcut to string in Visual Studio

When using Visual Studio console applications I often use the following line of code: 使用Visual Studio控制台应用程序时,我经常使用以下代码行:

Console.WriteLine("press [enter] to exit");

Is there a way of setting up a short-cut key in Visual Studio so that I don't need to type this every time? 有没有办法在Visual Studio中设置快捷键,这样我每次都不需要输入它?

There are probably other lines of code I regularly use for one reason or another that a short-cut feature would be beneficial. 由于某种原因我可能会经常使用其他代码行,因此快捷功能将是有益的。

You can define yourself a code snippet . 您可以自己定义代码段 Creating Our Own Snippets Using Visual Studio 2010 is a cool article for this. 创建我们自己的代码片段使用Visual Studio 2010是一篇很酷的文章。

For Console.Writeline() method, write cw and press Tab twice. 对于Console.Writeline()方法,写入cw并按两次Tab键


Save this in (filename).snippet 将其保存在(文件名).snippet中

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <CodeSnippet Format="1.0.0">
          <Code Language="CSharp">
            <![CDATA[Console.WriteLine("press [enter] to exit");]]>

Next choose tools-> code snippet manager... , click import, choose your file and add. 接下来选择tools-> code snippet manager ...,单击import,选择你的文件并添加。

Now if you type cwe while you coding click Tab. 现在,如果您在编码时键入cwe ,请单击Tab。

如果您经常需要使用Console.WriteLine() ,则可以键入c + w + Tab

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