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[英]Parsing scalaz.Validation in Java

I have a scala function with the following signature: 我有一个带有以下签名的scala函数:

def getValue: Validation[ Throwable, String ]

Now, I want to process in Java the result (say res ) of calling this function. 现在,我想在Java中处理调用此函数的结果(例如res )。

I can call res.isSuccess() and res.isFailure() but how do I extract the underlying Throwable or success String ? 我可以调用res.isSuccess()res.isFailure()但是如何提取底层的Throwable或成功String

I tried casting but testing (res instanceof scalaz.Failure) results in a scalaz.Failure cannot be resolved to a type (the scala and scalaz jars are visible) 我尝试了但是测试(res instanceof scalaz.Failure)导致scalaz.Failure cannot be resolved to a type (scala和scalaz jar可见)

Is there a generic way of doing this for Validation , Option , Either , etc... ? 有没有一种通用的方法来ValidationOptionEither ......等等?

EDIT I realize I can probably use a fold but that would lead to a lot of ugly boilerplate code in Java (which does not need more). 编辑我意识到我可能会使用fold但这将导致Java中许多丑陋的样板代码(不需要更多)。 Anything better looking ? 有什么好看的吗?

Success and Failure are both case classes: SuccessFailure都是案例类:

final case class Success[E, A](a: A) extends Validation[E, A]
final case class Failure[E, A](e: E) extends Validation[E, A]

So you can write the following, for example: 所以你可以编写以下内容,例如:

import scalaz.*;

public class Javaz {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Validation<Throwable, String> res = new Success<Throwable, String>("test");

    if (res.isSuccess()) {
      System.out.println(((Success) res).a());
    } else {
      System.out.println(((Failure) res).e());

For Option and Either you can use the get method (after taking the left or right projection in the case of Either ). 对于OptionEither您可以使用get方法(在Either的情况下进行left投影或right投影之后)。

If at all possible it's probably cleaner to do this kind of unwrapping with a fold , etc. on the Scala side, though. 但是,如果可能的话,在Scala方面进行fold等的这种展开可能更加清晰。

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