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如何使用.NET Compact Framework隐藏表单

[英]How to Hide a Form using the .NET Compact Framework

I'm working on a smart device with installed Windows Mobile 6.1. 我正在使用已安装Windows Mobile 6.1的智能设备。 I need to completely hide my application (a Form ), but i'm not able to do this. 我需要完全隐藏我的应用程序(一个Form ),但是我无法做到这一点。 I tried to call the Form.Hide method, but it does not have any effects, the form is still open, visible and maximized. 我试图调用Form.Hide方法,但是它没有任何效果,该窗体仍然是打开的,可见的并且已最大化。 I tried also to follow this post : 我也尝试按照这篇文章

static extern int ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);

public Form1()

public new void Hide()
    const int SW_MINIMIZED = 6;

    FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
    WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
    ControlBox = true;
    MinimizeBox = true;
    MaximizeBox = true;

    // Since there is no WindowState.Minimize, we have to P/Invoke ShowWindow
    ShowWindow(this.Handle, SW_MINIMIZED);

But without any effects (again). 但没有任何影响(再次)。 What is the proper way to do this work? 做这项工作的正确方法是什么?

An application doesn't need to have a call to Application.Run (which requires a Form in the Compact Framework) to operate. 应用程序不需要调用Application.Run (在Compact Framework中需要一个Form)即可运行。 If your app doesn't need a UI, don't create a Form. 如果您的应用不需要用户界面,请不要创建表单。 You can create a state loop, multithread and just about anything else from the Main entry point without a Form just fine. 您可以在没有Form的情况下从Main入口点创建状态循环,多线程以及几乎所有其他内容。 If you need to process Windows messages, you can always create your own message pump by calling GetMessage and DispatchMessage yourself. 如果需要处理Windows消息,则始终可以通过自己调用GetMessageDispatchMessage来创建自己的消息泵。

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