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C / C ++:将char []转换为int失败,将unsigned char []转换为int可行,为什么?

[英]C/C++: Conversion of char[] to int fails, unsigned char[] to int works, why?

I haven't found a question answering this exact behaviour, and somehow I just don't understand what is going on: 我还没有找到回答这个确切行为的问题,而且我只是不知道发生了什么:

I read the contents of a Windows Bitmap File (bmp) into a array and use this array later to extract required information: 我将Windows位图文件(bmp)的内容读取到一个数组中,并在以后使用此数组提取所需的信息:

char biHeader[40];
// ...
// ...
int biHeight = biHeader[8] | (biHeader[9] << 8) | (biHeader[10] << 16) | (biHeader[11] << 24);

After this, biHeight shows as -112 which is totally wrong because it should be 400 . 此后, biHeight显示为-112 ,这是完全错误的,因为它应该是400 So, I took a look at a hexdump of the file. 因此,我看了一下文件的十六进制转储。 The contents read are: 读取的内容是:

90 01 00 00

Changing the byte order to big endian gives 0x190 which is 400 in decimal, as expected. 将字节顺序更改为big endian可以得到0x190 ,即十进制的400

If I change above code to: 如果我将以上代码更改为:

unsigned char biHeader[40];
// ...
// ...
int biHeight = ... (same as before)

... then I get the expected value. ...然后我得到了期望值。 What is going on here? 这里发生了什么?

And: How would you read this data? 并且:您将如何读取这些数据?

As a signed 8-bit two's complement integer, 0x90 is -112 . 作为有符号的8位二进制补码整数, 0x90-112 When that is converted to int for the | |转换为int , its value is preserved. ,其值被保留。 Since all bits from the seventh on are set if the representation is two's complement, a bitwise or with values shifted left by at least eight bits doesn't change the value anymore. 由于如果表示形式是二进制补码,则从第七位起的所有位都将置位,因此按位或左移至少八位的值不再更改该值。

As an unsigned 8-bit integer, the value of 0x90 is 144, a positive number with no bits beyond the 2^7 bit set. 作为一个无符号的8位整数, 0x90值为144,是一个正数,没有超出2^7位设置的位。 Then, a bitwise or with biHeader[9] << 8 changes the value to the desired 144 + 256 = 400 . 然后,按位或biHeader[9] << 8将值更改为所需的144 + 256 = 400

When working with bitwise operators, (almost) always use unsigned types, signed types often lead to unpleasant surprises (and undefined behaviour if the shift result is out of range or a negative integer is shifted left). 当使用按位运算符时,(几乎)总是使用无符号类型,有符号类型经常导致不愉快的意外(如果移位结果超出范围或向左移负整数,则会导致不确定的行为)。

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