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[英]C: char logical operator not working

Using the code 使用代码

    sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &num1);
    sscanf(argv[2], "%c", &op);
    sscanf(argv[3], "%d", &num2);

        if ((op != '-')||(op != '*')||(op != '/')||(op != '+'))
        printf("'%c' is not a valid operator", op);
        return 0;

Compiles fine. 编译正常。

However, does not work for any input. 但是,不适用于任何输入。 For instance when the input is 4 + 7 例如,当输入为4 + 7时

Console prints: 控制台打印:

Error: 错误:

'+' is not a valid operator “ +”不是有效的运算符

Edit: without this error checking code, the rest of the programme operates correctly, including a switch statement based on op! 编辑:没有此错误检查代码,程序的其余部分将正常运行,包括基于op的switch语句!

Makes sense, since your condition is always true. 很有道理,因为您的情况始终是真实的。

 (op != '-')||(op != '*')||(op != '/')||(op != '+')

or even 甚至

 (op != '-')||(op != '*')

will always evaluate to true . 将始终评估为true

You're basically saying "If op is not - OR op is not * ... do whatever". 您基本上是说“如果op不是- 或者 op不是* ...则执行任何操作”。

You probably meant to use && instead. 您可能打算使用&&代替。

You have a logic problem. 你有逻辑上的问题。 You should change the OR (||) operator with AND (&&) 您应使用AND(&&)更改OR(||)运算符


   if ((op != '-')&&(op != '*')&&(op != '/')&&(op != '+'))

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