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Ruby 1.8.7:无法从自定义gem加载模块

[英]Ruby 1.8.7: Can't load module from custom gem

After creating a custom gem I'd like to reference functions defined in a module it contains. 创建自定义gem之后,我想引用其包含的模块中定义的函数。

Custom gem is dsi_core and the module lib/cuke.rb contains simply: 定制gem是dsi_core ,模块lib/cuke.rb包含以下内容:

module DsiCore
    module Cuke
        def self.Features(*args)
            puts "Hello world!"

I've installed the gem and can see /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/dsi_core-0.1.0/lib/cuke.rb exists as it should. 我已经安装了gem,可以看到/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/dsi_core-0.1.0/lib/cuke.rb确实存在。

In another gem dsi_fabric there is the code dsi_fabric/lib/dsi_fabric : 在另一个gem dsi_fabric有代码dsi_fabric/lib/dsi_fabric

require 'dsi_core'
# ...

Trying to run this from the lib/ directory of dsi_fabric gem: 尝试从dsi_fabric gem的lib/目录运行此dsi_fabric

ruby -rubygems ./dsi_fabric.rb arg1 arg2

..results in: ..结果是:

./dsi_fabric.rb:7: uninitialized constant DsiCore::Cuke (NameError)

This refers to the Cuke.Features line in dsi_fabric.rb . 这是指Cuke.Features符合dsi_fabric.rb

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

You're requiring 'dsi_core' instead of 'cuke'. 您需要“ dsi_core”而不是“ cuke”。 Try changing require 'dsi_core' to require 'cuke' . 尝试将require 'dsi_core'更改为require 'dsi_core' require 'cuke'

If you are testing in existing namespace problem can be namespace, so try with root namespace reference. 如果在现有名称空间中进行测试,则问题可能是名称空间,因此请尝试使用根名称空间引用。


also like I mentioned in comment you need to put 也就像我在评论中提到的那样,您需要输入

def self.Features(*args)
  # ...

Hehe I do not like that capital method name annotation but to each his own :) 呵呵,我不喜欢那种大写方法名称注解,但是喜欢每个人自己的:)


Also try 也试试

require 'rubygems'
require 'dsi_core'

I was miscomprehending how Gem imports work. 我误会了宝石进口的工作方式。

If you create a gem and add other gem dependencies to it in the gemspec, those dependencies are automagically imported already. 如果创建了gem并在gemspec中添加了其他gem依赖项,则这些依赖项已被自动导入。

Therefore what I have above is wrong - to import the cuke.rb file from gem dsi_core in gem dsi_fabric you would use: 因此,我上面所说的是错误的-从gem dsi_core中的gem dsi_fabric导入cuke.rb文件,您将使用:

require 'cuke'

ie the require dsi_core is implicit by nature of the Gem specification and gemspec. require dsi_core是Gem规范和gemspec的本质所隐含的。

Then to reference in the code would be 然后在代码中引用将是


..as I originally posted. ..就像我最初发布的那样。

I was confused because mny public gems indicate you should use require with the form: 我很困惑,因为mny public gems指示您应将require与以下形式配合使用:

require `gem-name/module-or-class`.

However this is misleading: the gem name isn't being used at all, but rather a directory named after the gem: 但这有误导作用:根本没有使用gem名称,而是使用了以gem命名的目录:

require 'dir-name/module-or-class'

In this example the gem gem-name has the following directory structure: 在此示例中,gem gem-name具有以下目录结构:


ie they've made a folder in the gem's lib/ directory named after the gem itself. 也就是说,他们在gem的lib/目录中创建了一个以gem本身命名的文件夹。

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