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[英]Jenkins Error: Process Leaked Filed Description when running an ANT call

I'm currently receiving a "Process Leaked File Description" error whenevery I'm trying to call my ANT script from a Perl script in Jenkins. 每当我尝试从Jenkins中的Perl脚本调用ANT脚本时,我当前都会收到“进程泄漏的文件描述”错误。 The job actually finishes currectly, but it's erroring in Jenkins. 该工作实际上已经完成,但是在詹金斯(Jenkins)中却是错误的。 The Perl script calls something similar to Perl脚本调用类似于

exe("CALL ant -buildfile C:\\build.xml");

I have tried googling this Jenkins issue elsewhere and none of the things I have tried appear to work. 我尝试在其他地方使用Google搜索这个Jenkins问题,但我尝试过的所有方法似乎都没有效果。 Anyone have anything else I can try? 有人还有其他我可以尝试的吗?

You should not call ant from a perl script. 您不应从perl脚本调用ant。 Jenkins has a plugin for ant builds. Jenkins有一个用于构建蚂蚁的插件

If your script generates the build.xml you can set up two actions in your project config. 如果脚本生成build.xml,则可以在项目配置中设置两个操作。 The first with the script to generate the buildfile and the second to execute ant on it. 第一个带有生成生成文件的脚本,第二个带有在其上执行ant的脚本。

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