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[英]Using telprompt

I need to make a calling functionality from my app. 我需要通过我的应用程序进行通话。 I used tel:// the control doesnt go back to app automatically. 我使用tel://控件不会自动返回到应用程序。 If telpromp is used an alert is shown before the call. 如果使用telpromp,则会在呼叫之前显示警报。 My first question is will telprompt be rejected in app store? 我的第一个问题是telprompt是否会在应用商店中被拒绝? If no then i dont want alert to come. 如果没有,那么我不想警报来。 directly call should be made. 应直接拨打电话。

I'd suggest that you can only find an answer to your first question by submitting your app. 我建议您只能通过提交应用程序找到第一个问题的答案。 As to your second question, an iOS application has to show a prompt asking the user if they want to dial a number. 关于第二个问题,iOS应用程序必须显示提示,询​​问用户是否要拨打电话号码。 That has to be done one way or another (tel, telprompt). 这必须以一种或另一种方式(电话,电话提示)来完成。 If an app doesn't alert the user, it'll be rejected from AppStore. 如果某个应用程序没有提醒用户,它将被AppStore拒绝。

I know this is old but I did find a couple people claiming their apps were approved using telprompt: 我知道这已经很老了,但是我确实发现有几个人声称他们的应用已通过telprompt批准:

"I've submited my app that uses telprompt with shared application without the uiwebkit and has been successfully approved by apple. answered January 19, 2013 “我已经提交了将telprompt与共享应用程序一起使用而未使用uiwebkit的应用程序,并且已成功获得Apple的批准。2013年1月19日回答

Pablo Alejandro Junge" Pablo Alejandro Junge”

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