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[英]console.log doesn't work sometimes

I have encountered this several times, & there is no explanation for it. 我已经好几次遇到过这种情况,而且没有任何解释。 There was no JS errors on the site. 网站上没有JS错误。 The code is indeed being executed. 代码确实正在执行。 Replacing them with alert() works just fine. alert()替换它们就可以了。

So today that happened again, so I tried to check the console object in the console object & I found some irregularities as if something has overwritten the console object. 所以今天又发生了,所以我试着检查控制台对象中的控制台对象,我发现了一些不规则的事情,好像有什么东西覆盖了控制台对象。

The following screenshot is of the site (site A) where I have this problem: 以下屏幕截图是我遇到此问题的网站(网站A):

http://ompldr.org/vZ256Mw/Selection_004.jpg http://ompldr.org/vZ256Mw/Selection_004.jpg

You see how log, warn & info are empty functions? 你看到log,warn和info是空函数吗? and the console object is different from how it is on a site (site B) where console works fine (screenshot follows)? 控制台对象与控制台工作正常的网站(站点B)的不同之处(截图如下)?

http://ompldr.org/vZ256Mg/Selection_003.jpg http://ompldr.org/vZ256Mg/Selection_003.jpg

Now the code running on both the sites is exactly same. 现在,在两个站点上运行的代码完全相同。 Site B is my local install and Site A is staging and I don't have anything in the code which overwrites the console object, so what could be an explanation for this behavior? 站点B是我的本地安装,站点A正在升级,我在代码中没有任何覆盖控制台对象的东西,那么这个行为有什么解释呢?

As per nfroidure's suggestion, I added that code in my head section before anything else and I got this: uncaught error! (anonymous function) (anonymous function) 根据nfroidure的建议,我在其他任何事情之前在我的头部添加了代码,我得到了这个: uncaught error! (anonymous function) (anonymous function) uncaught error! (anonymous function) (anonymous function) , second of which points to a code in another library file which has the following in it: uncaught error! (anonymous function) (anonymous function) ,其中第二个指向另一个库文件中的代码,其中包含以下内容:

if (!("console" in window) || !("firebug" in console))
    var names = ["log", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "assert", "dir", "dirxml",
    "group", "groupEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "count", "trace", "profile", "profileEnd"];

    window.console = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
        window.console[names[i]] = function() {}

This is responsible because I think the if check is faulty. 这是负责任的,因为我认为if检查是错误的。 "console" in window will be true & "firebug" in window will be false for me in Chrome resulting in replacing the console methods. "console" in window将为真,并且在Chrome "firebug" in window对我来说将是假的,导致替换控制台方法。 It should be && over there, no? 那应该是&& ,不是吗?

Update: After changing the operator to && it started to work on Site A, but I don't understand why it only gets triggered on one and not on another. 更新:将运算符更改为&&它开始在站点A上运行,但我不明白为什么它只在一个而不是另一个上触发。

看起来Site A有firebug,因为console的方法看起来很像这里的方法: http//getfirebug.com/wiki/index.php/Console_API

Try to add this on the top of your document : 尝试在文档顶部添加:

    var wc=window.console;
    delete window.console;
    window.__defineGetter__("console", function(){
        return wc;

    window.__defineSetter__("console", function(val){
        throw('error!');  // Look at js stack when throwed

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