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[英]Checking if two n-ary trees are equal in Haskell

I am trying to implement a simple boolean function in Haskell to check if two n-ary trees are equal. 我试图在Haskell中实现一个简单的布尔函数,以检查两个n元树是否相等。

My code is: 我的代码是:

-- This is the n-ary tree definition.
-- (I know "Leaf a" is not necessary but I prefer to write it for clarity)
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node a [Tree a]
    deriving (Show)

-- This is a simple tree used for test purposes
t :: Tree Int
t = Node 3 [Node 5 [Leaf 11, Leaf 13, Leaf 15], Leaf 7, Leaf 9]

treeEquals :: Eq a => Tree a -> Tree a -> Bool
treeEquals (Leaf n1) (Leaf n2) = n1 == n2
treeEquals (Node n1 xs1) (Node n2 xs2) = n1 == n2 && and(zipWith (treeEquals) xs1 xs2)
treeEquals _ _ = False

My problem is that if I do tests such as: 我的问题是,如果我进行以下测试:

treeEquals t t
treeEquals t (Leaf 3)
treeEquals t (Node 3 [Leaf 7])

it returns correctly false because the trees are not equal, but if I try a test such as: 它正确返回false,因为树不相等,但是如果我尝试测试,例如:

treeEquals t (Node 3 [])

It doesn't work because it returns true as the trees were equals. 它不起作用,因为当树相等时返回true。

Do you know what I am doing wrong? 你知道我在做什么错吗?

Why don't you just derive Eq and use == ? 为什么不只导出Eq并使用==呢?

The problem with your current code is the zipWith . 您当前代码的问题是zipWith It stops as soon as it reaches the end of the shorter list, so zipWith treeEquals foo [] always returns [] (regardless of what foo is). 一旦到达较短列表的末尾,它就会停止,因此zipWith treeEquals foo []始终返回[] (无论foo是什么)。

Here's an (untested) alternative solution: 这是(未试用的)替代解决方案:

treeEquals :: Eq a => Tree a -> Tree a -> Bool
treeEquals (Leaf n1) (Leaf n2) = n1 == n2
treeEquals (Node n1 xs1) (Node n2 xs2) = n1 == n2 && listTreeEquals xs1 xs2
    listTreeEquals [] [] = True
    listTreeEquals (x1 : xs1) (x2 : xs2) = treeEquals x1 x2 && listTreeEquals xs1 xs2
    listTreeEquals _ _ = False
treeEquals _ _ = False


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