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Eclipse Virgo 与 Apache Servicemix

[英]Eclipse Virgo vs Apache Servicemix

I'm new to OSGi topic, but try to learn something about this technology.我是 OSGi 主题的新手,但尝试了解有关此技术的一些知识。

After some resarch, I can't find answer to the question: What is the real difference between Eclipse Virgo and Apache ServiceMix?经过一些研究,我找不到问题的答案:Eclipse Virgo 和 Apache ServiceMix 之间的真正区别是什么?

What I've done to reveal this mystery myself.我自己做了什么来揭开这个谜团。 I've looked at both and first I thought that Virgo seems to be something like a web server for OSGi while ServiceMix more like a bus.我看过两者,首先我认为 Virgo 似乎是 OSGi 的 Web 服务器,而 ServiceMix 更像是总线。 But then I saw that ServiceMix attached jetty and I can even add a web console feature to manage ServiceMix from the browser, so I got totally confused.但后来我看到 ServiceMix 附加了码头,我什至可以添加一个 Web 控制台功能来从浏览器管理 ServiceMix,所以我完全糊涂了。 Now I don't know, mayby Virgo and ServiceMix are the same kind of software, but with diffrent bundles and producer (similar to eg jetty and tomcat)?现在我不知道,也许 Virgo 和 ServiceMix 是同一种软件,但具有不同的捆绑包和生产者(类似于 jetty 和 tomcat)?

Virgo and Apache Karaf are OSGi Runtime Containers both containing also the feature of deploying web applications which are deployed to an underlying web-container. Virgo 和 Apache Karaf 都是 OSGi 运行时容器,它们都包含部署 Web 应用程序的功能,这些应用程序被部署到底层 Web 容器。 Apache ServiceMix does provide an ESB on top of Karaf so ServiceMix actually does more than Virgo. Apache ServiceMix 确实在 Karaf 之上提供了一个 ESB,因此 ServiceMix 实际上比 Virgo 做得更多。

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