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从ASP.NET MVC3中的局部视图加载Javascript

[英]Load Javascript from a Partial View in ASP.NET MVC3

I have an ASP.NET MVC3 application in C# and Razor. 我在C#和Razor中有一个ASP.NET MVC3应用程序。

I use the standard _Layout.cshtml from the MVC3 application template in VS2010. 我使用VS2010中MVC3应用程序模板中的标准_Layout.cshtml I would like to add Javascript code in one of my Partial View just when the View is rendered and not attach the Javascript directly in the _Layout . 我想在我的一个补充Javascript代码Partial View正当View呈现,而不是在直接附加的JavaScript _Layout

My View looks like this: 我的View如下所示:

@model MyNameSpace.ViewModels.MyViewModel

    ViewBag.Title = "Home Page";


@using (Html.BeginForm()) {

        @{ Html.RenderPartial("Filters", Model.Filters);  }

            <input type="submit" value="Submit" />


And my Partial View Filters.cshtml looks like this: 我的Partial View Filters.cshtml如下所示:

@model MyNameSpace.ViewModels.FiltersViewModel

    x => x.Type, 
    new SelectList(Model.Types, "Value", "Text"),
    "-- select type --"

    x => x.Category, 
    new SelectList(Model.Categories, "Value", "Text"),
    "-- select category --"

<script type="text/javascript">
   //Some Javascript

If I leave the View like this, the Javascript is rendered inside the <body> and it looks very ugly. 如果我这样离开View ,则Javascript会在<body>内部呈现,并且看起来非常难看。 I can add the Javascript directly in the <head> section of the _Layout but it is not what I want. 我可以直接在_Layout的<head>部分中添加Javascript,但这不是我想要的。 How can I achieve my purpose? 我怎样才能达到目的?

add @RenderSection("HeadContent", required: false) inside your main layout (masterpage) and then add something like 在您的主布局( @RenderSection("HeadContent", required: false)添加@RenderSection("HeadContent", required: false) ),然后添加类似

    @section HeadContent {
        <link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/styles/admin.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.4.4.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>    

in your partial view 在您的局部视图中

When razor will compiling html page it will place content from @section block from the partial view to the place where you put @RenderSection("HeadContent", required: false) on the layout (masterpage). 当razor编译html页面时,它将把@section块中的内容从局部视图放到您在布局(母版页)上放置@RenderSection(“ H​​eadContent”,required:false)的地方。 If there are no @section block on the partial view, then nothing will be added. 如果局部视图上没有@section块,则不会添加任何内容。

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