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Wordpress Apache Config错误

[英]Wordpress Apache Config Errors

I have installed Wordpress on Apache. 我已经在Apache上安装了Wordpress。 It appears to work fine, i get the homepage and have created pages on the admin. 看来工作正常,我进入了主页并在管理员页面上创建了页面。

I can access the home[page fine. 我可以访问首页[页面很好。 But when i try access the pages. 但是当我尝试访问页面时。 I get 404s. 我得到404。

http://mysite.com/ works fine http://mysite.com/正常运行

http://mysite.com/news throughs a 404. http://mysite.com/news通过404。

In the log files, I have the following error: 在日志文件中,出现以下错误:

[Fri Dec 14 10:21:58 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/wordpress/mysite/news, referer: http://mysite.com/ [2012年12月14日星期五10:21:58] [错误] [客户端127.0.0.1]文件不存在:/ home / wordpress / mysite / news,引荐网址http//mysite.com/

I am using NameBasedVirtual hosting in Apache. 我在Apache中使用NameBasedVirtual托管。

<VirtualHost *:8080>
    ServerName mysite.com
    DocumentRoot /home/wordpress/mysite/

    ErrorLog /var/log/www/mysite-error.log
    CustomLog /var/log/www/mysite-access.log combined

    <FilesMatch \.php$>
          SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

    <Directory /home/wordpress/mysite>
        AllowOverride FileInfo Options
        Allow from all
        DirectoryIndex index.php

    <Location /wp-admin/>
        Header set Cache-Control no-cache

I looked at .htaccess. 我看着.htaccess。

It says . 它说 。

But Apache doesnt have mod_rewrite installed by default on Ubuntu. 但是Apache默认没有在Ubuntu上安装mod_rewrite。 So it didnt work and didnt through a nice error. 因此它没有工作,也没有通过一个不错的错误。

Just add in mod_rewrite to fix this 只需添加mod_rewrite即可解决此问题

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