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C库的C ++包装器作为共享库

[英]C++ Wrapper for C library as shared library


The problem was the linkage of the library. 问题是图书馆的联系。 I copied the libmywrapper.so(i renamed it) file to /usr/lib and linked with -mywrapper That's it :-) 我将libmywrapper.so(我将其重命名)文件复制到/ usr / lib并与-mywrapper链接就是这样:-)

Original post: 原始帖子:

I'm writing a wrapper library that allows to call C++ functions out of C-code. 我正在编写一个包装库,该包装库允许从C代码中调用C ++函数。 Unfortnuately it doesn't link... 不幸的是,它没有链接...

wrapper.h: wrapper.h:

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
    extern char* (keygen) ();
#ifdef __cplusplus

wrapper.cpp: wrapper.cpp:

#include "wrapper.h"
#include <someincludes>
char* keygen ()
    urandom u;

Makefile: Makefile文件:

TARGET      := ./mywrapperlib.so
CXXFLAGS    := -fPIC -shared -g -Wall -std=c++0x -I../someincludes -I.
CXX         := g++
LIB         := -lsomelibs
EXT         := cpp
BUILDDIR    := build

override BUILDDIR := $(strip $(BUILDDIR))
SOURCES  := $(wildcard *.$(EXT))
OBJECTS  := $(patsubst %.$(EXT), $(BUILDDIR)/%.o, $(SOURCES))
DEPS     := $(patsubst %.$(EXT), $(BUILDDIR)/%.dep, $(SOURCES))

.PHONY: all
all: $(TARGET)


ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), clean)
-include $(DEPS)

$(OBJECTS): $(BUILDDIR)/%.o: %.$(EXT) $(BUILDDIR)/%.dep $(BUILDDIR)/.tag
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@

$(DEPS): $(BUILDDIR)/%.dep: %.$(EXT) $(BUILDDIR)/.tag
    mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -MM $< -MT $@ -MT $(<:.$(EXT)=.o) -o $@

    mkdir -p $(dir $(@))
    touch $@

.PHONY: clean
    $(RM) -r $(BUILDDIR)

A test file that should use the library: test.c: 应使用以下库的测试文件:test.c:

#include <wrapper.h>
int main()
    char* test = keygen();

When i try to compile it with 当我尝试用

gcc  -o test.a -g -Iinclude -Llib/mywrapperlib.so test.c

I get 我懂了

/tmp/ccB9bEot.o: In function `main':
/some/paths/test.c:7: undefined reference to `keygen'

Im very unexperienced with mixing C & C++ code and writing libraries. 我对混合C&C ++代码和编写库没有经验。 Now im stuck and hope that someone can help me with this problem. 现在即时通讯卡住了,希望有人可以帮助我解决这个问题。

EDIT: 编辑:

I checked the lib with nm: 我用nm检查了lib:

nm lib/cryptdbwrapperlib.so | grep keygen
0000000000006935 T keygen

So, i guess that the problem is the linkage... 所以,我想问题是联系...

It's to do with the order of your flags to gcc . 这与您标记gcc的顺序有关。

Do this: 做这个:

gcc  -o test.a -g -Iinclude test.c -Llib/mywrapperlib.so
#                           ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#                           first    second

GCC reads libraries and objects left-to-right and (basically) ignores any that aren't needed "yet". GCC从左到右读取库和对象,并且(基本上)忽略“还”不需要的任何库和对象。 With my proposed change, test.c goes first so GCC knows that it's going to be looking for a symbol keygen ; 在我建议的更改中, test.c首先执行,所以GCC知道它将要寻找符号keygen then, when it finally sees -Llib/mywrapperlib.so it scans it for keygen , finds it, and knows that this library is required. 然后,当它最终看到-Llib/mywrapperlib.so时,将对其进行扫描以查找keygen ,找到它,并知道此库是必需的。

Change the function's signature in wrapper.cpp to wrapper.cpp的函数签名更改为

extern "C" char* keygen ()

Otherwise it will be compiled with a C++ style name, and hence be a different function than the one declared in the header. 否则,它将使用C ++样式名称进行编译,因此它是与标头中声明的函数不同的函数。


The problem was the linkage of the library. 问题是图书馆的联系。 I copied the libmywrapper.so(i renamed it) file to /usr/lib and linked with -mywrapper That's it :-) 我将libmywrapper.so(我将其重命名)文件复制到/ usr / lib并与-mywrapper链接就是这样:-)

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