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在IE 7中单击按钮时JSF 2.0 AJAX调用失败

[英]JSF 2.0 AJAX call on click of button failing in IE 7

I have a button and on click of it an AJAX call is made to the @ViewScoped bean This works fine in firefox but not on IE . 我有一个按钮,单击它会向@ViewScoped bean进行AJAX调用。这在firefox中工作正常,但在IE上不行。 However the same functionality works in the other page both IE and Firefox .So i am clueless as to whats wrong here . 但是,相同的功能在IE和Firefox的其他页面中都可以使用。因此,我对此处的错误一无所知。

Here is the code 这是代码

 <h:commandButton id="Search"  value="Search" >
 <f:ajax  execute="Search" render="table"  listener="#{Bean.dosearch}" ></f:ajax> 

When Search button is clicked nothing happens.The listener action method itself is not invoked .the action method takes AjaxBehaviour event as parameter and returns void .and I couldnot debug too in IE and no error is shown in browser too. 单击搜索按钮时没有任何反应。监听器操作方法本身未调用。该操作方法将AjaxBehaviour事件作为参数并返回void。我也无法在IE中调试,浏览器中也没有显示错误。 Any help would be appreciated . 任何帮助,将不胜感激 。

Can u show the whole page? 您可以显示整个页面吗? The problem may not be in the commandbutton but caused by other reasons. 该问题可能不是在命令按钮中,而是由其他原因引起的。 I find the following post made by BalusC quite help. 我发现BalusC的以下帖子很有帮助。 Your problem could be caused by the 6th point mentioned there. 您的问题可能是由此处提到的第六点引起的。 If that doesn't help you maybe you can post the whole page as well as the backing bean here so that we can try to reproduce the problem. 如果那没有帮助,也许您可​​以在此处发布整个页面以及支持bean,以便我们尝试重现该问题。

Reasons why methods are not getting called: commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated 未调用方法的原因: commandButton / commandLink / ajax操作/侦听器方法未调用或输入值未更新

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