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[英]How update local data of DataSource without use read() function KendoUI

I need update the local data of DataSource but without use de read() function. 我需要更新DataSource的本地数据,但不使用de read()函数。 I use the read() function but this function slows the site. 我使用read()函数,但是此函数会使网站变慢。

You could pass a list of your objects to the view and then iterate through them. 您可以将对象列表传递给视图,然后遍历它们。 I did this for my treeview. 我这样做是为了树状视图。

Have a look at my post: Populate KendoUi Treeview with RavenDB documents 看看我的帖子: 用RavenDB文档填充KendoUi Treeview

Hopefully it will help you :) 希望它将对您有所帮助:)

If you give us some more information, eg: What control are you using? 如果您给我们提供了更多信息,例如:您正在使用什么控件?

Then maybe we can help further. 然后,也许我们可以提供进一步的帮助。

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