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我究竟做错了什么? 在构造函数中使用依赖项属性的值

[英]What am I doing wrong? Using the value of an Dependency Property in constructor

I'm having some problems with the usage of an Dependency Property. 我在使用依赖项属性时遇到一些问题。 I would like to use the value of the DP to initialize an object in the constructor. 我想使用DP的值在构造函数中初始化一个对象。

The problem is that Month is always 0 (during construction time) which causes the wrong initialization of the ExpenseDetailPageDataModel. 问题在于,Month始终为0(在构建期间),这会导致ExpenseDetailPageDataModel的初始化错误。 Right after the constructor finished his work the value of variable Month changes to correct value (in this case 11). 构造函数完成工作后,变量Month的值立即更改为正确值(在本例中为11)。

FinanceItemViewControl is a custom user control. FinanceItemViewControl是一个自定义用户控件。

<common:FinanceItemViewControl Grid.Column="2" Month="11"/>

Month is a Dependency Property as shown in the code below: 月是一个依赖项属性,如下面的代码所示:

public sealed partial class FinanceItemViewControl : UserControl

        public static readonly DependencyProperty MonthProperty = DependencyProperty.Register
             new PropertyMetadata(
             0, new PropertyChangedCallback(MonthProperty_Changed))

        public int Month
            get { return (int)GetValue(MonthProperty); }
            set { SetValue(MonthProperty, value); }

        private static void MonthProperty_Changed(DependencyObject source, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            //TODO: trigger data reload

        public FinanceItemViewControl()

            Debug.WriteLine("Constructor: " + Month);

            detailPageDataModel = new ExpenseDetailPageDataModel(Month);

You can't put that logic in the constructor because, as you noticed, the Data Context hasn't loaded yet. 您不能将该逻辑放入构造函数中,因为您注意到,数据上下文尚未加载。 You could do one of two things: 您可以执行以下两项操作之一:

  1. Put the logic inside the MonthProperty_Changed event. 将逻辑放在MonthProperty_Changed事件中。
  2. Use the control's Loaded event: 使用控件的Loaded事件:

public FinanceItemViewControl()
    detailPageDataModel = new ExpenseDetailPageDataModel(Month);
    this.Loaded += UserControl_Loaded;

private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    Debug.WriteLine("Constructor: " + Month);

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