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在nodejs中解密.Net cookie

[英]Decrypt .Net cookie in nodejs

I've created an encrypted cookie in .Net and I'm trying to decrypt it's content in nodejs. 我在.Net中创建了一个加密的cookie,我试图在nodejs中解密它的内容。 But nodejs keeps throwing the exception "TypeError: DecipherFinal fail" 但是nodejs不断抛出异常“TypeError:DecipherFinal fail”

In .Net I'm using the AES encryption method with the key 在.Net中,我使用密钥的AES加密方法


My web.config file has the following row 我的web.config文件包含以下行

<machineKey validationKey="A5326FFC9D3B74527AECE124D0B7BE5D85D58AFB12AAB3D76319B27EE57608A5A7BCAB5E34C7F1305ECE5AC78DB1FFEC0A9435C316884AB4C83D2008B533CFD9" 
validation="SHA1" decryption="AES"  />

And the code that generates my cookie in .Net looks like this: 在.Net中生成我的cookie的代码如下所示:

var ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(0, "test", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddYears(1), true, "test");
var encryptedTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);
Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie(cookieName, encryptedTicket));

The nodejs code that decrypts the cookie is 解密cookie的nodejs代码是

var crypto = require('crypto');
var logger = require('winston');
var deckey = "932D86BB1448EEAA423F38495A2290746D81C27E55D1DC264279537006D6F4CC";

function hex2a(hex) {
  var str = '';
  for (var i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2)
    str += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex.substr(i, 2), 16));
  return str;

function decrypt(cookie) {          
  var ivc = cookie, iv, cipherText, ivSize = 16, res;

  ivc = new Buffer(ivc, 'hex');
  iv = new Buffer(ivSize);

  cipherText = new Buffer(ivc.length - ivSize);
  ivc.copy(iv, 0, 0, ivSize);
  ivc.copy(cipherText, 0, ivSize);

  iv = new Buffer(Array(16));
  c = crypto.createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', hex2a(deckey), iv.toString());
  res = c.update(cipherText, 'binary');
  res += c.final('binary'); //<-- throws TypeError: DecipherFinal fail
  return res;

I'm kind of lost and I would appreciate tips or ideas on what could be the issue. 我有点迷茫,我会很感激有关问题的提示或想法。

You can see the source code of Encryp and Decrypt here with all the different possibilities (Framework20SP1, Framework20SP2, etc) 您可以在此处查看Encryp和Decrypt的源代码,其中包含所有不同的可能性(Framework20SP1,Framework20SP2等)

https://github.com/Microsoft/referencesource/blob/master/System.Web/Security/FormsAuthentication.cs https://github.com/Microsoft/referencesource/blob/master/System.Web/Security/FormsAuthentication.cs

It took me hours to read that code, but once you got it, it's possible to write a simple code just for your specific encryption settings. 我花了几个小时来阅读该代码,但是一旦你得到它,就可以为你的特定加密设置编写一个简单的代码。

A key is not a String, take a look at the method fromCharCode() : 一个键不是String,看一下fromCharCode()的方法:

The fromCharCode() method converts Unicode values into characters. fromCharCode()方法将Unicode值转换为字符。

This means that any hexadecimal is converted to a textual character, while createDecipheriv() method specifies that: 这意味着任何十六进制都转换为文本字符,而createDecipheriv()方法指定:

key and iv must be 'binary' encoded strings or buffers. key和iv必须是'二进制'编码的字符串或缓冲区。

Note that this is just one of the issues that may be present, I haven't had time to run the code (yet). 请注意,这只是可能存在的问题之一,我还没来得及运行代码。

Your problem is probably a failure in automatic padding, turned on by default. 您的问题可能是自动填充失败,默认情况下处于启用状态。 You want to turn this off, by adding: 你想通过添加以下内容来关闭它:


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