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[英]validation with RadioButton

I have 10 RadioButton inside a panel. 我在面板内有10个RadioButton。

I have 10 panels inside a tableLayoutPanel, Each one in different column. 我在tableLayoutPanel中有10个面板,每个面板在不同的列中。

How can i move between the columns and validate that in each column there is a selected radioButton? 我如何在列之间移动并验证每列中是否有选定的radioButton?

Thank you. 谢谢。

I have no experiences with the TableLayoutPanel , but you could try this: 我没有使用TableLayoutPanel经验,但是您可以尝试以下方法:

bool allValid = true;
for(int c = 0; c < panel.ColumnCount; c++)
    var colRadios = panel.Controls.OfType<RadioButton>() 
        .Where(rb => panel.GetColumn(rb) == c);
    bool colValid = colRadios.Any(rb => rb.Checked);
        allValid = false;

( panel is the TableLayoutPanel ) panelTableLayoutPanel

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