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找不到捆绑命令 Windows x64

[英]Bundle command not found Windows x64

I just installed ruby with the Heroku Toolbelt, probem is that when I do bundle install it gives me this error:我刚刚使用 Heroku 工具带安装了 ruby,问题是当我进行bundle install时,它给了我这个错误:

sh.exe": /c/Program Files (x86)/ruby-1.9.3/bin/bundle: "c:/Program: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

Acording to this question Bundle command not found.根据这个问题找不到捆绑命令。 Bad Interpreter I should change the PATH, but I dont know how to do this, I have changed windows PATH enviorment variable, even changed to C:\ruby-1.9.2\bin I get a similar error: Bad Interpreter我应该更改 PATH,但我不知道该怎么做,我更改了 windows PATH 环境变量,甚至更改为 C:\ruby-1.9.2\bin 我得到了类似的错误:

sh.exe": /c/ruby-1.9.3/bin/bundle: "c:/Program: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

When I try to reinstall the Toolbelt I change the install direcotry to c:\ but still the wizard install git and ruby folders at Program Files (x86) directory.当我尝试重新安装 Toolbelt 时,我将安装目录更改为 c:\ 但向导仍将 git 和 ruby 文件夹安装在 Program Files 目录(x86)

Any suggestions?有什么建议么?

You probably don't have the Bundler gem installed.您可能没有安装 Bundler gem。

Assuming you have Ruby installed:假设您安装了 Ruby:

gem install bundler

should do the trick.应该做的伎俩。

Well I found the solution, so I'm posting here.好吧,我找到了解决方案,所以我在这里发布。 Problem seems to be the bunlder installation in windows x64 machines, to solve this I did this.问题似乎是 windows x64 机器中的 bunlder 安装,为了解决这个问题,我这样做了。

Copy the following directories to C:/将以下目录复制到C:/

 C:\Program Files (x86)\Heroku C:\Program Files (x86)\Git C:\Program Files (x86)\ruby-1.9.2

Change windows environment "Path" variable, to do this right click Computer > Properties > Advance Settings > environment variables.更改 windows 环境“路径”变量,为此右键单击计算机 > 属性 > 高级设置 > 环境变量。 Path is under "System Variables" section.路径位于“系统变量”部分下。 Edit them to this:将它们编辑为:

C:\Heroku\bin;C:\ruby-1.9.2\bin;C:\git\bin;C:\git\cmd C:\Heroku\bin;C:\ruby-1.9.2\bin;C:\git\bin;C:\git\cmd

Go to C:\ruby-1.9.2\bin and open the "bunlde" file with note pad (not the bundle.bat), change the first line from #:"c./Program Files (x86)/ruby-1.9.2/bin/ruby exe"## to :#.c./ruby-1.9 2/bin/ruby exe## Go 到 C:\ruby-1.9.2\bin 并使用记事本打开“bunlde”文件(不是 bundle.bat),将第一行从#:"c./Program Files (x86)/ruby-1.9.2/bin/ruby exe"## to :#.c./ruby-1.9 2/bin/ruby exe##

Now go to C:\Git and change the properties (right click > properties) of the Git Bash direct access, and change the target from C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /c ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i" to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /c ""C:\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i" Now go to C:\Git and change the properties (right click > properties) of the Git Bash direct access, and change the target from C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /c ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i"C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /c ""C:\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i"

Hope it helps someone希望它可以帮助某人

For Windows users:对于 Windows 用户:

I used gitbash to install bundler.我使用 gitbash 安装捆绑器。

gem install bundler

and the bundler was installed successfully.并且捆绑器已成功安装。 Even after that i was facing the same issue.即使在那之后我也面临着同样的问题。

Found out that it was due to some permission issue in my case.发现这是由于我的情况下的一些许可问题。

Here is what i did:这是我所做的:

  1. I fired up a command prompt ( Note: with administrator privilege )我启动了命令提示符(注意:具有管理员权限)
  2. I did gem install bundler once again and it installed.我再次做了gem install bundler并安装了它。
  3. Now i could do something like bundle -v , It gave me the bundler version currently installed.现在我可以做一些类似bundle -v的事情,它给了我当前安装的捆绑器版本。
  4. I tried the same bundle -v using Git Bash but it still is not working somehow.我使用Git Bash尝试了相同的bundle -v ,但它仍然无法正常工作。
  5. I restarted my laptop, And surprisingly now it is works.我重新启动了我的笔记本电脑,令人惊讶的是现在它可以工作了。

Hope this is helpful to anyone.希望这对任何人都有帮助。

I had these issues, and for me the only problem was the spaces in the file paths.我遇到了这些问题,对我来说唯一的问题是文件路径中的空格。 Simply adding 's around the path fixed the problem for me:只需在路径周围添加 's 即可解决我的问题:

'C:\Program Files (x86)\git\bin';'C:\Program Files (x86)\Heroku\ruby-1.9.2\bin' 'C:\Program Files (x86)\git\bin';'C:\Program Files (x86)\Heroku\ruby-1.9.2\bin'

That's it而已

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