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Prestashop CMS页面具有一列布局

[英]Prestashop CMS Page has one column layout

I tried googling and reading different tutorials, but still can't figure out why CMS pages on my Prestashop website have only one column. 我尝试使用Google搜索并阅读了不同的教程,但仍然无法弄清为什么我的Prestashop网站上的CMS页面只有一列。

I need the left template block, I know how to use it in the admin, transplant and work with modules. 我需要左模板块,我知道如何在管理中使用它,移植和使用模块。 The thing is I'm stuck with this thing, and I'm pretty sure it's an easy fix. 关键是我对此很固执,而且我很确定这很容易解决。

Anyone? 任何人?

Thank you! 谢谢!

Do you have a custom theme? 您有自定义主题吗? In default theme there is a three column template for CMS pages. 在默认主题下,CMS页有一个三列模板。

So I assume that you previous developers probably edited your theme and it could be done in three ways (that I know): 因此,我假设您以前的开发人员可能编辑了您的主题,并且可以通过三种方式(我知道)来完成:

1.left column is rendered in header.tpl and right column in footer.tpl 1.在header.tpl中呈现左列,在footer.tpl中呈现右列

{if $page_name != 'cms'}

<div id="right_column" class="column">


and the same in header.tpl for {$HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN} 与header.tpl中的{$ HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN}相同

2.in your css file they can just set #cms #right_column {display:none;} and #cms #left_column {display:none;} 2.在您的CSS文件中,他们只需设置#cms #right_column {display:none;}和#cms #left_column {display:none;}

3.in Modules->Position (in admin panel) you can define Exception field for pages where modules should not be called (but this is not most likely not your case) 3.在Modules-> Position(在管理面板中)中,您可以为不应调用模块的页面定义Exception字段(但这并不是您的情况)

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