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[英]How to check if an ArrayList of objects contains my object?

I have an ArrayList of objects. 我有一个对象的ArrayList Some of these objects are of this class: 其中一些对象属于这一类:

public class NewCompactSimilar
    public List<int> offsets;
    public List<String> words;
    public int pageID;

    public NewCompactSimilar()
        offsets = new List<int>();
        words = new List<string>();          

But the list can also contain objects of other classes. 但是列表也可以包含其他类的对象。

I need to check if my ArrayList contains an object that is identical to my object. 我需要检查我的ArrayList包含一个与我的对象相同的对象。

So, how can I do that? 那么,我该怎么做呢?

if (words.Contains(myObject))

ArrayList has a method called Contains which checks if the Object has the same Reference than the one you have. ArrayList有一个名为Contains的方法,它检查Object是否具有与您拥有的Reference相同的Reference。 If you want to check if the value is the same, but a different Reference, you have to Code: 如果要检查值是否相同,但是不同的Reference,则必须使用Code:

private bool GetEqual(String myString)
    foreach (String word in words)
         if (word.Equals(myString))
            return true;
    return false;

I hope this is it :) 我希望这是它:)

With list being your ArrayList and item being the NewCompactSimilar you are searching for: 使用list作为您的ArrayList并且您正在搜索NewCompactSimilar

                FirstOrDefault(o => o.offsets == item.offsets &&
                o.words == item.words &&
                o.pageID == item.pageID);

To run a deep equality comparison, implement the following method: 要运行深度相等比较,请实现以下方法:

public bool DeepEquals(NewCompactSimilar other)
    return offsets.SequenceEqual(other.offsets) &&
            words.SequenceEqual(other.words) &&
            pageID == other.pageID;

Then use the following LINQ chain: 然后使用以下LINQ链:

                FirstOrDefault(o => o.DeepEquals(item));

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